Friday, 27 February 2015

Weekly update 2nd March 2015



On Thursday it is World Book Day and the children can dress up as a book character for the day. We will be looking at all the costumes in the morning and lots of ‘book related’ activities will go on throughout the day.

Also our school book fair will be open after school for purchasing books so please come along and have a look at the selection.


This week in Numeracy we will be introducing multiplication as ‘lots of’ and introducing the × sign to the children.


We will be concentrating on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables so if you can help your children practise these that would be great! Some of the Year 2 children may be ready to start working on the 3’s and 4’s if they are confident with these. The children will continue to sing along with Percy Parker to help them learn their tables!


 Year 1 children will count on and back in 1s or 10s and say the number that is 1 or 10 more or less up to 100.


 Year 2 children will count on in 2s, 5s or 10s; recognise odd and even numbers;  and understand multiplication as ‘lots of’ and use the × sign


Websites to help











This week the children will be writing a story to be entered into a creative writing competition. We will be learning that a story has a beginning, middle and end. The children will be thinking of their favourite story and write a sentence under each sub heading. Using jungle themed pictures, the children will be ordering them into a story of their choice. We will then start planning our stories and think of a beginning, middle and ending which will be discussed with a talking partner. By Friday we will have created a first draft and written this neatly onto the templates ready to be sent off for the competition.

Ask your child what is their favourite book? What happens at the beginning, middle and end?

Have a go at some fun online literacy games at home.



Our second week of the new topic, ‘Humans and other Animals’ starts with the children learning to identify the five senses and the parts of the body that we use for them.


This week the children will find out that some animals have better sense than us, while other senses may not be as good as ours.


With your permission the children will undertake a range of fun activities based on the different senses.  We will be using our sense of hearing to identify different sounds; sight to identify objects; smell to identify a range of odours, touch to figure out what hidden objects are and taste to tickle their taste buds and identify common foods.


Interesting fact – did you know that around 80% of what we think is taste is actually smell. Flavour, is a combination of taste and smell perception. Test this yourself by holding your nose closed the next time you eat something, can you taste it very well? Chances are you can't.


Come and See

We will be continuing with the topic of  “Meals.” The children will be exploring families and groups that share special meals.



We will ask the children to share their experiences of a special meal; it might have been a birthday party, Christmas, First Holy Communion or a Baptism celebration.

·         When might you have a special meal?

·         What makes a meal special?  

·         Who was there?

·         Who prepared the meal? 

·         What did you share?

·         How did you help?

·         What did you like best about it?  

·         How did it make you feel?


The children will work with a talk partner to share memories of a special meal and discuss why it was special.


We hope you have a great week!

The Key Stage 1 team.


Saturday, 21 February 2015

Weekly update 23rd February 2015

Welcome back after the half term break. We hope you had a wonderful time and are ready for another busy half term.



This week in Maths we will learning about weighing and time.

The Year 1 children need to compare 2 or more weights by direct comparison, measure weights using uniform non-standard measures and read the time to the hour on an analogue clock.

The Year 2 children will need estimate, measure and compare weights in kilograms and grams. Read the time to the hour and half hour on analogue and digital clocks

Some websites to help with this are:-

Measurement use this site to practice measuring the ‘red bar’. If you can though, measuring objects around the house is a much more practical way of measuring in centimetres. click on Reading Length. ordering numbers on a number track. Can your child recognise the numbers? Are they able to order them? Can they locate the missing number? measure the length of the lines using the on screen ruler move the ruler to the line to measure it in centimetres just as a bit of a continuation of the circus theme...choose the Pole Climber, Maths Pairs or Shapes and Numbers activities. With the Pole climber activity, start on level one and then see how high you can go – subtraction begins at Level 3! I have been really pleased with the number of children who have been printing off some of the activities from the websites on the blog, so this is should be a big help! It has lots of printable sheets for you to print off and practice at home for all areas of numeracy. Some are more difficult than others, but have a look through for the topic we are covering this week for some extra practice.

Time select o’clock and half past, then order the cards in order of time. identify the correct hour on the clock and then order in terms of time can you get the mouse to run up the clock to eat the cheese?

The children are also working on being able to order the days of the week and the months of the year. Why not use this as an opportunity to work on the spelling of these?



This week we are learning about letters, posters and labels. The children will be looking at a variety of posters and paying particular attention to the language used and what the poster is telling us. The children will then be designing their own bedroom posters. We will be talking about labels and looking at clothes labels. The children will be thinking and writing about their favourite T-shirt and why. They will then be designing labels for these T-shirts. Finally, the children will look at a shopping list and how punctuation is used in them.

Ask your child what their favourite item of clothing is and how they feel when they wear them.

Have a go at some fun online literacy games.


This week we will start our new topic for this half-term called ‘Humans and other Animals’.

It is a really interesting topic that covers a wide range of subjects including science and art.  Children will be able to name human body parts & senses & compare them with those of common animals. Draw pictograms using data about differences between people, for example, hair colour & discuss the needs of pets. So your children will hopefully be coming home with lots of interesting facts to tell you!


This week the children will be learning about parts of the human body, including some internal organs such as the heart, brain and the lungs.


Interesting fact – did you know that your nose and ears continue growing throughout your entire life?  And - as well as having unique fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints!


Come and See

We will be starting a new topic called “Meals.” The children will be exploring families and groups that share special meals.



We will ask the children to share their experiences of a special meal; it might have been a birthday party, Christmas, First Holy Communion or a Baptism celebration.

·         When might you have a special meal?

·         What makes a meal special?  

·         Who was there?

·         Who prepared the meal? 

·         What did you share?

·         How did you help?

·         What did you like best about it?  

·         How did it make you feel?


The children will work with a talk partner to share memories of a special meal and discuss why it was special.


We hope you have a great week!

The Key Stage 1 team.


Sunday, 8 February 2015

Weekly update 9th February 2015

Welcome to the last week of this half term. We can’t believe how quickly it has gone.



Parent/Teacher consultations (10.02.15,11.02.15)
You should have received your time slot allocation for your parent/teacher consultations next week. Please remember that appointments are for ten minutes. Should you feel that additional time is needed, please don’t hesitate to make an additional appointment with your child’s teacher. We look forward to meeting you.


Contacting School
We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that it is important that you contact school as soon as possible if you know that your child is going to be off for any reason. It is also important that we are able to contact you if your child is ill or been involved in an accident, so if you change your telephone number or address, please remember to let us know straight away. Many thanks.

Safer Internet Day 2015 will be celebrated globally on Tuesday 10th February with the slogan ‘Let’s create a better internet together’.

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. 

Globally, Safer Internet Day is celebrated in over a hundred countries, coordinated by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, and 31 national Safer Internet Centres across Europe.

The day offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. It calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to join together in helping to create a better internet. Ultimately, a better internet is up to us!


This week in Maths we will be describe position: above, below, beside, left, right.


The Year 1 children need to know direction and movement: forwards, backwards, up, down, left, right.


The Year 2 children will need to know that a right angle is a measure of a quarter turn; recognise right angles. They also need to be able to recognise clockwise and anticlockwise turns.

Some websites to help with this are:-


Please use these number bond websites to help with your child’s learning: a favourite of mine! Click on level B or C and then any of the number activities how many questions can you answer in 2 minutes? click on any of the timed activities to help with number bonds knowledge. select the number bonds activity and then make 10 or 20. How many can you get right before the clock runs out? make 10 make 20 - the dance will really make you giggle! move the beadstring to make patterns to 10 and 20 match the pipes to make the number bonds to 10 make up your own number bond games for each question you get right, it colours in a part of the picture! a great game for two players. Choose 0 as the lowest number and 9 as the highest, it will create a game to practice and reinforce those number bonds.


Our traditional tale this week is Jack and the Beanstalk. The children will be looking at the characters and describing them using lots of adjectives. They will also be writing a letter from the Giant to Jack. We will be reading an alternative story called Real Jack. In this story, Jack is the ‘bad’ character and the children will compare the two stories looking at similarities and differences. By the end of the week the children will be creating their own version of Jack and the Beanstalk, changing characters and the setting. This will capture the children’s imagination and enable them to be really creative.

Our grammar focus this week is proper adjectives and connectives.

Can your child describe a character in their reading book?

Have a go at some fun online literacy games at home.


This week we will be asking the children if they know what a fossil is. Do they know anything about how a fossil is created?

Explain that we are going to be learning about how fossils are created

Watch videos on fossil formation at:


We hope you have a great week!

The Key Stage 1 team.