The children had a great time at Chester Zoo on Wednesday. They will be continuing with their follow up work this week.
The children will also be completing work for their records of achievement to pass onto the next teacher.
This week we will be continuing the theme Songs and Repetitive Poems. Share Move it, Conversation and I’m the Youngest in this House . We will be reading each poem aloud to the children encouraging them to join in. We will be discussing what makes a good performance of a poem, highlighting intonation and expression. Model reading a poem in a monotone voice, then using expression. We will be asking the children to say which performance they prefer and why?
The children will be learning a poem by heart and understanding how full stops and capital letters are used differently when writing poetry.
Examples of conversation poems:
The children will be revisiting doubles and halves of numbers. Can they recall all of the doubles up to double 20?
Here are some useful websites to recall doubles of numbers:
We will continuing with the topic called “Neighbours” which is a CAFOD based topic.
We will go outside and lead children into this shared reflective activity:
Stand in a space.
Close your eyes.
Think about yourself in your space.
What can you hear?
Now open your eyes and look around you.
What do you see?
What do you see above you?
If you were here tonight, what would you see above you?
What are you standing on?
Look around you.
Look at the people who share this space with you.
You are a neighbour to each one.
There is only one sun, one sky, one world.
We share all these with one another.
Back in class/gathered together, share the story of King David, who wrote a psalm about the sky that we share with all our neighbours. This story imagines when and why he wrote it.
One morning, King David woke up very early. Everything was bright and beautiful. Even though he could not see it, he knew the sun had risen in the sky. David was a good king. He often thought about the people that he was a neighbour to, all the people who lived in his land.
He thought about them looking up at the same sky, seeing the same sun, feeling the same light and warmth as himself. “How wonderful God is!” he thought. He knew the golden sun spread the message of God‟s love for neighbours all over the world. He wanted his people to know this too.
Listen to or read the psalm he wrote - play Psalm PowerPoint available at, alongside some reflective music).
The sky above tells how wonderful God is.
Every day it is there for us to see.
Every morning the golden sun appears shining on everyone,
bringing light and warmth to all.
Spreading the message of God‟s love all over the world
to neighbours here, neighbours there, neighbours everywhere.
(based on Psalm 18:1−5)
Some key questions we will be asking the children:
How does the sky tell us how wonderful God is?
Why does looking at the sky help us to think about neighbours everywhere?
We have friends and neighbours throughout the world. They are called our global neighbours/friends. Why are people in our own and other countries all our neighbours?
How do we show God‟s love to our neighbours?
We will also be listening to the story of the Good Samaritan and talking about how the story make us feel?
Leaver’s Mass The Leaver’s Mass will be on Tuesday 21st at 9.15am. Please remember that this is a very special event for our year six children and space is a premium in the hall.
Thank you for your support throughout the year and we look forward to working with you all in September.
Have a great week.
Year 1/2 Team
Thank you for your support throughout the year and we look forward to working with you all in September.
Have a great week.
Year 1/2 Team