Sunday, 29 November 2015

Monday 30th November

Welcome to our blog.  The children have worked really hard on the Christmas play and its now nearly ready.

The performances  are on:

Tuesday 1.30pm

Wednesday 1.30pm

Thursday 6.00pm.

We have also sent out homework and there are exercises on my maths.

The children are getting excited about Christmas and might want to track Santa on the 1st of December.

English /RE
In between performances and practices we will be doing lots of RE. We will be learning about preparations in general and all the things that people do around Christmas to prepare

The children will also be learning about King Midas. The children will be recounting the story verbally and then writing out the story in words and pictures.


Year 1 / 2 Maths

This week the children will be adding multiples of ten. The children will be learning about ordinal numbers, number bonds to 10 and recognising numbers up to100.

Year 2


The children will be using cms to measure still and moving onto measuring with metres. They will also be adding two digit numbers and subtracting tens and ones.

We will also be practising telling the time every week.
We have been practising
  • Half past
  • Quarter to
  • Quarter past
  • Five minute intervals too.


     Year 1
    This week we will be focusing on grammar. We will be reviewing plurals and what plurals are. We will be adding s and es.

In Maths we will be using number lines to count along, we will be doing one more and one less too.


Years 1 and 2 will be concentrating on oy, ir, ue, aw

Year two will be reviewing some of the phase three phonemes still that the children did not know when tested these are ear, oi, er and also phase five u – e split digraph.


Being British


In our topic 'Being British' we will be labelling key places in Britain that are important in some way to us personally - such as the home of a favourite football team, home town of a family member. The children will be bringing home a homework sheet that they will hopefully be able to record places in Britain that mean something to them, which will help with this map work next week.

Have a great week everyone.

The 1 / 2 team.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Monday 23rd November

Welcome to our blog.  The children are busy learning their lines and learning the play songs too. We have sent out homework and there are exercises on my maths. We may very well not get much of this work done because of the play rehearsals.
The children are getting excited about Christmas and might want to track Santa on the 1st of December.
This week we will be starting our new topic PREPARING. We will be thinking about all the different things that people prepare for. We will be relating this specifically to how people prepare for Christmas.
Year 1 / 2
This week the children will be spending a week focusing on spelling, punctuation and grammar. 
We will be recapping when to use capital letter. We will be discussing proper nouns and that these words need to be in a capital letter. 
We will also be looking at consistently using the present tense and past tense correctly. we will be discussing how to use aed” on the end of words. 
 Activity at home: 
The children could look through their reading books and any other books at home and notice any past tense in their books. 
This week the children will be counting to 100 and past 100. 
The children will also be finding one more or one less of small numbers gradually getting to larger numbers. 
We will be looking at ordinal numbers in context. For example: first, second, third, fourth and so on.
Year 2
This week we will be concentrating on grammar too. We will be using different words for joining sentences such as or, because, but , when, that if and more. We will be also be reviewing tenses and we will be also using adjectives to form extended noun phrases.
Example – The cool, refreshing, fun……..
The speedy, sporty, shiny ……. Etc.
Year 2
The children will be using cms to measure still and moving onto measuring with metres. They will also be adding two digit numbers and subtracting tens and ones.
We will also be practising telling the time every week.
We have been practising
Year 1
We will continue with using capital letters for proper nouns and will continue exploring the fairy tale Snow White, by writing a letter to the dwarfs from Snow White.
In Maths we will continue with the work on length and measuring, and direction and position. We will also be continuing our work with money and change by playing in the shop.
Years 1 and 2 will be concentrating on oy, ir, ue, aw
Year two will be reviewing some of the phase three phonemes still that the children did not know when tested these are ear, oi, er and also phase five u – e split digraph.
In our topic 'Being British' we will be labelling key places in Britain that are important in some way to us personally - such as the home of a favourite football team, home town of a family member. The children will be bringing home a homework sheet that they will hopefully be able to record places in Britain that mean something to them, which will help with this map work next week.

Have a great week.

The 1 / 2 team.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Monday 16th November

Welcome to our blog.  The children have made a great start learning their parts and learning the songs. Homework was sent out last week and is due in on Monday. My Maths homework is on line too.

We will be continuing with our signs and symbols topic. We will be thinking about Baptism and creating a Baptismal candle. We will also be thinking about how we can be a child of the light. We will learn all about the symbols of Baptism too

Years 1 and 2 will be concentrating on oy, ir, ue, aw
Year two will be reviewing some of the phase three phonemes still that the children did not know when tested these are ear, oi, er and also phase five u – e split digraph.

Year 1 Maths
This week in Maths we will be focusing on length and measurement. We will be using a variety of items to measure objects and thinking about the how to place them carefully end to end in order to measure correctly. We will also be using comparative language such as longer and the longest.

English year 1
In English we will be focusing on using capital letters to start proper nouns - names, places, titles etc. We will be completing a simple passport with our name and addresses. We will also begin working on fairy tales, starting with the retelling of Snow White.

Maths Year 2
This week we will be concentrating on measurement of length. The children will be learning about centimetres, metres and kilometres. The children will be measuring in centimetres and metres. They will be using a trundle wheel to measure the corridor or playground depending on the weather!

We will also be practising telling the time every week.

We have been practising

·        clock

·        Half past

·        Quarter to

·        Quarter past

·        Five minute intervals too.

English Year 2
This week we will be concentrating on grammar. We will be learning about plurals and making sentences make sense as well as using the correct punctuation. We will be learning about the prefix un as in unhappy, unfair and unforgettable.

Mrs Pinto/Mrs Sheerin
This week the children will be spending a week focusing on spelling, punctuation and grammar.

We will be recapping how to use and when to use a full stop, question mark and exclamation mark. We will be talking about how each sentence starts with a capital letter.

The children will start to come across ASBO words which are and , so but and or. We use these words to improve short sentences and make them longer.

We will also we looking at a variety of sentences such as commands, statements, questions. We will be talking about the question words: When? Why? Who? What? How? Which? Where?

Activity at home:

The children could look through their reading books and any other books at home and be capital letter spotter. Can they highlight the capital letter in each sentence with a highlighter, felt tip or crayon.

Maths Year 1 and 2
This week the children will be partitioning numbers in particular  they will be starting to partition 6 into pairs and write the addition. They will then go onto finding related subtraction facts. The children will then partition 7,8,9 and 10.

The children will also add/subtract 20, 30, 40, 50 to/from two-digit numbers.

Being British

In our topic 'Being British' we will be labelling key places in Britain that are important in some way to us personally - such as the home of a favourite football team, home town of a family member. The children will be bringing home a homework sheet that they will hopefully be able to record places in Britain that mean something to them, which will help with this map work next week.

 Have good week everyone,
The 1 / 2 team.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Monday 9th November

Welcome to our blog. We have sent out play parts and costume letters. The children have made a great start learning their parts and learning the songs. I am sure you will hear them singing the songs around the house from now on. We will be spending a lot of time practising as well as teaching.

Friday - Children in need.
The children can wear something yellow and bring in some change to put on the outline of a Pudsey bear.

Years 1 and 2 will be concentrating on oy, ir, ue, aw.

Year two will be reviewing some of the phase three phonemes that the children did not know when tested these are ow, ar, ai and ur.


Year 1 and 2

The children will be completing work about remembrance Sunday. The children will be learning about different wars. They will be making a poppy and also will be learning the poem ‘Flanders field.

Maths Year 1

In Maths this week we will be continuing with learning about money: recognising the coins, knowing the value of 2p, 5p, and 10p coins, using coins to make values, adding coins to shop and find totals.

English Year 1

This week in English we will be designing a Remembrance day poster, after learning some facts about Remembrance day and the British Legion Poppy Appeal. We will be continuing with our focus on adding s and es onto nouns to create plurals, and also on alphabetical order - with lower and uppercase letters.

Maths Year 2
This week we will be concentrating on direction, position, turns and right angles.
We will be reviewing clockwise and anticlockwise.  We will also be learning about units of measure and the need for units of measure. We will also be measuring in centimetres.

We will be adding and subtracting 9 with any two digit number.
We will also be practising telling the time very week.
We have been practising

·         clock

·         Half past

·         Quarter to

·         Quarter past

·         Five minute intervals too.


Mrs Pinto/Mrs Sheerin

The children will be naming and describe squares, rectangles, circles and triangles.

Their main focus will be describing and recognising regular and irregular common 2D shapes. The will start to Make and describe polygons.

Some useful websites are listed below:



Being British

This week we are starting our new topic ‘Being British’. We will be focusing on developing geographical skills by naming the countries that make up Britain, and their capitals, and finding out where Warrington is. We will also be naming the waters around the British Isles and using google maps.

Have a good week everyone

The 1 / 2 team