Sunday, 11 December 2016

Monday 12th December

Well can you believe we have reached the end of our very first term...and what a packed one it was too!
As our Christmas preparations draw to a close, I am sure you are all gearing up at home and that the Christmas excitement is making everyone smile at home!

This week’s blog is to let you know what is happening during this week and also, we have included a few festive sites to keep everyone occupied.
Wednesday Dust off those party frocks and best clothes, as Wednesday sees our fantastic Christmas party! The children have worked really hard all term, so now is the chance for them to let their hair down and boogie the afternoon away. The children will be allowed to come to school ALL DAY in their own clothes, complete with hair gel, glitter and perfume!

Santa’s elves have been very busy wrapping all the gifts for the children AND organising all the party food. The Elf’s and Pixies have been fantastic this week, making sure that all the children will have a great time – a huge thank you!
The last day of term, sees a real treat. Our Christmas Carol Service, led by Years 5/6 will be held in the hall at 9.15am. The children are allowed to bring in toys and games. Please send in nothing expensive or electrical.
The afternoon sees the Parent’s Panto. It is always a really fantastic production and a fitting end to the year. All the children, (and staff) leave the hall in festive mood, ready to start our preparations at home.

Festive Fun

Lots of the children enjoy using the websites given on the blog every week. All of the sites, links and activities on the site are used in class to support our learning, but every now and again, we include sites which are ‘just for fun’.

 Write a letter to Santa and see the reply appear before your very eyes!

 A real favourite of mine! The disco dancing Santa is fabulous!

 A very interesting site, explaining all about the customs and traditions of Christmas.

 I loved this story! Maybe one for Christmas Eve?

This made me giggle! Get the penguin to write your name in the snow. What about trying this to help with the spelling of those tricky words?

 Rudolf is missing! Read this lovely interactive story with your child. A great way of developing those comprehension skills.

 Decorate the online Christmas tree
Build your very own snowman...without getting your hands cold!

Some great ideas for Christmas crafts to do at home, using all those empty boxes. Christmas crafts

Why not sing through some of these traditional Christmas Carols in preparation for Friday’s service?

Although these are based on American ‘grades’, some of these Christmas themed Maths worksheets are still really useful.

Lots of Christmas online activities to try. I really like the writing ideas, which use a framework and a word bank to help. Why not print some off to bring in to show?

On behalf of all the staff, we wish you a very happy, peaceful and holy Christmas. We hope that Santa brings you everything you ask for and that we all return safe and happy in the New Year.
Merry Christmas!!!

Love from

The Key Stage One team.  XX

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Monday 5th December

Welcome to our blog.We were every proud of all the children in the Christmas play. I will upload lots of pictures when my laptop gets fixed hopefully. I took lots of the children when we were performing the play.

Last week is the last week we have set homework. We have noticed quite a few children not learning the spellings. These are age related spellings and they are essential that the children know them.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to read with your child every day. Reading is the key that opens all other doors. It is a life skill that the children rely so much on. We are trying to have a real push on reading and understanding a book. We appreciate the support that you give us.

Assessment and Review week
This week we will be reviewing lots of work and will be giving the children some tests in reading and maths. Year one will be having a phonics test too and a few of year two. All the children will be reviewing previous work. We will be assessing their writing too by looking at the work they produce in their exercise books. We will also be busy testing their reading to see if they can move up a book band.

Christmas fair
The Christmas fair is on after school on Friday and it is another own clothes day. This week the children need to bring in a wrapped present.

Monitoring visit
On Thursday we have an RE monitoring visit by the Archdiocese. Mrs Harding's class will be leading a collective worship in class for our visitor.

This week we will be continuing with the new topic WAITING. We will be thinking about Advent, Advent promises and Mary showed great kindness to Elizabeth when she found out she was going to have a baby. The children will also be learning about the visitation and the message given to Mary by Angel Gabriel.

Have a good week
The 1 / 2 team

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Monday 28th November

Welcome to our blog.

Christmas Play
The children will be rehearsing on Monday and Monday afternoon we have a dress rehearsal.

The children will be performing on Tuesday and Wednesday morning and Thursday night. We hope you have received your tickets. The children have been practising hard and you are in for a real treat.

Operation Christmas child.
Please send in any shoeboxes by Tuesday. Thank you
There will be an own clothes day on Friday for the Christmas Fair, The children need to bring in chocolate this week.

The children received homework and have a sheet of spellings to learn. The year 2 were also given a poem to learn off by heart.

There will be a spelling test every week. They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book Year 2 have my Maths too on line.

RE Families
The children will be finishing lessons on BELONGING and moving on to a new topic WAITING.
The children will be thinking about things that we have to wait for and experiencing a stop watch and sand timers.

The children will be making  a list of words to do with waiting such as happiness, excitement, anticipation, worry, nerves etc.

The children will be drawing a picture of themselves waiting too.

A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield
This week we will continue learning about place value - making 2 digit numbers with tens and ones. We will also be telling the time, our aim is to know o'clock and half past. We will also be reviewing counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.

Year 1/2 Maths
Fractions Year 1
Can the children recognise, find and name one half as one of two equal parts and a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object shape or quantity. The children will be recognising and making fractions of shapes.

Year 2
Can the children recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 1/2, 3/4 of a shape, length, set of objects or a quantity?

We will be starting to look at 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 of a shape. Can the children find anything at home that they can halve or quarter?  Maybe a piece of bread, pizza or biscuit.

Year 2 English
This week we will be doing a lesson on winter poetry in between the Christmas play.
The children will be thinking about winter vocabulary.

The children will be analysing different poems and will continue to  write poems of their own such as:

Snow is……
Snow is cold, icy and hard as it flows from the icy, blue sky.
Snow is white, freezing and bleak as it falls from the white, soft sky.
Snow is gentle, light and hard as it flows from the bright, snowy sky.
Snow is a gentle hand floating down from the shimmering, white sky.
Snow is…

Year 2 Maths

 The children will be continuing with multiplication and division. The children will be mixing them up and answering questions again. Later on in the week we will be answering problems with multiplication and division in.

We will also be practising our timetables and completing a mental Maths test.

Best wishes
Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett



Sunday, 20 November 2016

Monday 21st November

Welcome to our blog.
The children will be practising a lot this week and will be putting the final touches to the Christmas play.

The children received homework and have a sheet of spellings to learn.

There will be a spelling test every week. They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book Year 2 have my Maths too on line.

RE Families
The children will be continuing with the topic BELONGING. They will reviewing Baptism and will be designing a Baptismal candle. The children will be learning the our Father song with actions. We will be writing a prayer about all the babies that are welcomed into God’s family at Baptism. The children will be thinking about how they will treat new people to the school/class. The children will be thinking about the deeper meaning of belonging to God’s family through the sacrament of Baptism.

A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield

This week we will continue learning about writing questions and using a question mark. We will also be introducing the use of an apostrophe in contracted words, used in place of missing letters, such as don't, she'd. We will also be writing a diary of our weekend.

This week we will be learning the names and features of 3d shapes and introducing place value in number. We will be using a variety of practical equipment to demonstrate the amount of tens and ones in a number and will begin written tasks.

Year 1/2 Maths
Fractions Year 1
Can the children recognise, find and name one half as one of two equal parts and a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object shape or quantity?

Year 2
Can the children recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 1/2, 3/4 of a shape, length, set of objects or a quantity?

We will be starting to look at 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 of a shape. Can the children find anything at home that they can halve or quarter?  Maybe a piece of bread, pizza or biscuit.

Year 2 English

This week we will be doing a few lessons on winter poetry inbetween the Christmas play.

The children will be thinking about winter vocabulary and will be having a winter walk around school weather permitting.

The children will be analysing different poems and will be writing poems of their own such as:

Snow is……
Snow is cold, icy and hard as it flows from the icy, blue sky.
Snow is white, freezing and bleak as it falls from the white, soft sky.
Snow is gentle, light and hard as it flows from the bright, snowy sky.
Snow is a gentle hand floating down from the shimmering, white sky.
Snow is…

Year 2 Maths
The children will be continuing with multiplication and division. The children will learn how to divide using a number line. The children will be solving divison and multiplication questions that have been mixed up too.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Monday 14th November

Welcome to our blog.
The children will be busy this week practising the Christmas play and they have been really good learning their lines to the play.

The children received homework and have a new sheet of spellings to learn.
There will be a spelling test every week. Year 2 have my Maths too on line.

RE Families

The children will be continuing with the topic BELONGING. They will reviewing Baptism and will be designing a Baptismal candle. The children will be learning the our Father song with actions. We will be writing a prayer about all the babies that are welcomed into God’s family at Baptism.


A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield
This week we will be learning how to work out how may syllables there are in a word by clapping and saying the word slowly like a robot. This will then be used to break unknown words down when reading and to improve the spelling of long words. We will also be improving handwriting and the reading and writing of high frequency words.

This week we will be focusing on naming the common 2D shapes and some 3D shapes and learning about their basic features. We will be reviewing the writing of numbers both forwards and backwards 0 to 100. We will also be reviewing counting in 5's up to 100.

Year 1 / 2
Year 2 will be able learning to recall and use multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 time tables. The children will use these facts to solve problems. We will also be looking at odd and even numbers.

Year 1 will be learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will also start to look at writing numbers to 100 in numerals and words.

This week we will be recapping our work on verbs and Year 1 children will continue to write sentences using verbs such as ‘I can jump very high’. The children will also be identifying verbs in sentences and pieces of text. Year 2 will be looking at different tenses of verbs and how we can use adverbs to modify and describe the verbs.

We will also be completing a reading comprehension based on Remembrance Day, which also ties in to this half terms topic work.

Year 2 English
This week the children will be learning about nouns. They will be going on a noun hunt and writing sentences and identifying the nouns.

Also this week the children will complete a comprehension and practise their handwriting.

We will be learning about the story of the hare and the tortoise and will be doing lots of talk for writing activities. We will be using puppets and acting it out. Finally on Friday the children will be completing a warm task on this and writing the story.

Year 2 Maths
This week we will be moving onto data handling and will be reading and drawing pictographs and bar graphs. The children will be collecting data in tallies and representing it on different graphs.

Every week we will be testing the children’s timetables and completing a mental Maths test too.

We are starting off learning the x 2 and x 5 timetables. The children will complete a 100 questions.

This week we will learning all about antibullying. The children will be finding out what bullying is, what to do and how to react to bullies. You may find that he children talk about bullies a lot this week.

We will be reading stories and role play different scenarios so the children have a clear understanding of what to do if they are being bullied.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett


Sunday, 6 November 2016

Monday 7th November

Welcome to our blog.
Play parts have been decided now and the remainder of parts will be all given out on Monday.

This week we will start practising the acting with Year 2 and the dances with Foundation stage and Year 1.

The children received homework and have a new sheet of spellings to learn.
Year 2 now have more My Maths homework.

There will be a spelling test every week.

There will be a Remembrance Mass at 9.15 on Friday morning.

Mrs Pinto Edward’s and Miss Birchall’s class performed a wonderful assembly on Families. Here are some of the pictures.

There is a disco on Thursday from 6.00 to 7.30. Please can you make sure you pick up your children promptly as it’s a long day for the children and of course the staff. Thank you.

RE Families
The children will be continuing with the topic BELONGING. They will be learning about Baptism and how this sacrament welcomes us into God’s family. The children will be listening to Bible stories about Jesus and learning how Jesus welcomes everyone.

A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield
This week we will be finding out when to use a question mark and to read question words such as -what, when, how. We will also be reading some Percy the Park Keeper stories and re-writing one of them in our own words using complete sentences with capital letters and full stops, finger spaces and aiming to combine information with the word and.

In Maths we will be focusing on subtraction and will be crossing out pictures, counting back along number lines and recording subtraction sums as well as solving real life problems by reasoning.

Year 1 and 2
This week we will be learning about Verbs. We will discuss what a verb is and Year 1 children will come up with examples of verbs and will use them in a sentence. Y2 children will recap what a verb is and try to change the ‘boring’ verbs into more exciting ones.

Y2 children will also be completing a reading comprehension based on bonfire night.
The children will be continuing their work from  the previous week on bonfire poetry.

This week Year 1 and 2 will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  Year 1 will become confident in naming and recognising triangles, squares, rectangles and circles in different orientations and contexts. Year 2 children will be focusing on 3D shapes and thinking about their properties.

Year 2 English
This week the children will be learning again how to use connectives in their independent writing to make sentences longer.

Also this week the children will complete a comprehension and practise their handwriting.

We will be learning about the story of the enormous crocodile and will be doing lots of talk for writing activities. Finally on Friday the children will be completing a warm task on this and writing the story.
Year 2 Maths
This week we will be continuing to learn about multiplication and division. The children will be recalling multiplication and division facts for the x2, x 5 and x 10 tables. We will be concentrating on division this week. We will be dividing by using objects to demonstrate what it means.
Every week we will be testing the children’s timetables and completing a mental Maths test too.

We are starting off learning the x 2 and x 5 timetables. The children will complete a 100 questions.

This week we will be learning all about remembrance day and the poppy. We will be finding out the background to why we celebrate Remembrance day. There will be a Mass on Friday too for remembrance day.

Best wishes
Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett