Sunday, 28 February 2016

Monday 29th February

Welcome to our blog,

 Thank you very much for everyone who came to our parent’s evenings last week.

Homework will start again this week.

On Friday we are dressing up as a favourite book character and we are celebrating world book day.

Last week Year 2 had fun making compound words and learning about money.
 Year 1 loved listening to the story of the stick man.

Year 1 / 2 did lots of practical work on division.

We will be continuing with our new topic of thanks giving and  We will be thinking about different ways we can say thank you at home, in school and in the neighbourhood.

We will be listening to the story of the Last supper and looking closely at the words during the meal. We will be relating this to the Mass.

Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds. Year 2 will be working through phase six.

Maths Year 2
This week we will be concentrating on data handling. We will be reading and constructing pictograms, bar graphs and tally charts.

Please keep practising the 2’s 5’s and 10 times tables. This week we will be testing the ALL THE TIMESTABLES we have covered so far again.

Year 2 English
This week we will be concentrating on grammar. We will be reviewing the apostrophe for possession and missing out letters, capital letters for names of people,  cities, towns, planets etc.

We will also be practising using the question mark and exclamation mark. On Friday we are celebrating World book day and will be doing lots of BOOK activities.

We will also be completing a comprehension too.

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

Year 1 / 2

This week we will be testing the children on their 5 times table.  Please work with and support your child in learning this.
This week the children will be working with money - learning how to recognise coins, change pounds into pence and pence into pounds, adding and subtracting as well as giving change from given amounts.

In 'Grammar' this week the children will be learning about apostrophes and ‘contractions’.  It will be expected that children can recognise contractions in sentences and use them in their own sentences. The children will also have a reading comprehension on Tuesday.


The children are going to continue with the story theme of the Gingerbread Man. They will base their story around the school setting. They have been looking at Google Maps and Street View to see where their story might end up. We have been looking at the directional language north, east, south and west and asking the children to use this vocabulary in their writing.

Year 1

This week we will be completing a variety of book related activities to celebrate World Book Day. We will continue to focus on reading and spelling the suffixes : ing, ed and er. We will also be continuing to develop letter formation and handwriting skills.

In Maths we will continue to explore addition by counting along a number line. We will continue to develop the naming and describing of 3D shapes, and how to draw the hands on a clock to show o'clock and 1/2 past times.

This week we will be starting our new History topic 'A street through time.' We will be starting by focusing on The Stone Age, and how people in that age stayed full, clean and safe. We will be designing a simple Stone Age poster and thinking about what we would miss from our lives today, if we returned to the Stone Age.

Have a good week everyone,

The 1 / 2 team.

I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.


Friday, 19 February 2016

Monday 22nd February

Welcome to our blog,
We have a busy week ahead with parent’s evenings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night therefore homework will not be sent out this week.

Mrs Sarsfield’s assembly was excellent and the children were extremely confident delivering their assembly.

The children did lots of experiments testing materials for absorbency and seeing if they were waterproof.


We will be starting our new topic of thanks giving and we will be thinking of all different things that we say thank you for. We will be thinking about different ways we can say thank you at home, in school and in the neighbourhood.
Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds. Year 2 will be working through phase six.


Maths Year 2

The children will be working with MONEY. The children will be recognising coins, adding and subtracting money and also learning how to give change too.

Please keep practising the 2’s 5’s and 10 times tables. This week we will be testing the ALL THE TIMESTABLES we have covered so far again.

Year 2 English
This week we will be completing more extended writing linked to Charlotte’s web. We will be writing about what has happened in the book so far.

We will be learning about compound words, plurals with words ending in f and adding ly words to make adverbs such as fiercely, calmly, magically etc.

We will be changing words into plurals with f.


We will be learning about apostrophes for possession and plurals
We will also be learning about compound words such as;
We will also be completing a comprehension too.

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

Year 1 / 2
We are still working on the 2 times tables with the children.  They will have a 2 times table test on Monday.

This week the children will be introduced to division and all the vocabulary associated with this operation (such as: share, group, divide, divide by, share equally, sets of).  The children will learn about the division sign and what it means.  Initially the children will learn to divide by grouping into numbers and they will then progress on to division by repeated subtraction.   The children will also look into division with remainders.

In 'Grammar' this week the children will be learning about adverbs and how they make sentences more interesting. It will be expected that children can recognise adverbs in sentences and use them in their own sentences. The children will also have a reading comprehension on Tuesday.

For the next couple of weeks we will be reading The Gingerbread Man and doing lots of lovely work based on this story.  This book lends itself to lots of work in Geography too so the children will be looking at our local area using Google Earth and maps.  They will use their imagination to decide where the Gingerbread Man could be chased to in our local area.

Using photography of the local area and the maps the children will plan a route that their Gingerbread Man will escape to.  During the next couple of weeks the children will learn about North, East, South and West and learn to use a compass.

Year 1
In Maths we will be using a number line to complete additions and subtractions to 20 and beyond. We will also be solving missing number problems. Also we will be reviewing time: o'clock and 1/2 past, and drawing the hands on clocks. The recognition of coins and notes will also be reviewed.

In English we will be reading and writing words with the suffixes: es, s ed and ing. We will also be checking our knowledge of the alphabet in lower case and in capital letters. We will be re-writing the story 'Stick Man' by Julia Donaldson, and writing a postcard from stick man home to his long lost family. Also we will continue learning to read and spell all the high frequency words.

Every day materials
This week the children will perform simple tests to find out which material would be suitable to make and umbrella from.  The will use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions about different materials. The children will record their prediction, what they did and their results.

They will be introduced to new words such as: predict, record and results.

Also this week the children will compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties by sorting objects.  The children will present their work in Venn diagrams.

They will be introduced to new words such as: sort, group and compare.

Have a good week everyone,

The 1 / 2 team.

I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Monday 7th February

Welcome to our blog. The children were great at church last week and learnt more about all the books that can be found at church.

Homework was sent out again last week. This week we will continue to learn the TWO, FIVE AND TEN times table. The children are getting used to being tested on their tables each week.

 My Maths is on line too in Year 2

We will be completing the topic on books. We will be using the Bibles to read about stories about Jesus’s life. We will be starting our new topic. Mrs Sarsfield’s class have their class assembly on Thursday.

Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds.

This week we are concentrating on ou and ea.


Maths Year 2
The children will be reviewing concepts this week such as greater than and less than, adding and subtracting 8 and 9, number bonds to 100 and adding using column addition.

We have continuing with a weekly mental maths test. The children have 10 seconds to answer each question. They are trying very hard and we have been pleased with the effort the children are putting in.

Please keep practising the 2’s 5’s and 10 times tables. This week we will be testing the ALL THE TIMESTABLES we have covered so far again.

Year 2 English

 This week we will be completing more extended writing linked to Charlotte’s web. We will be writing a set of instructions for a spider killing a fly.

We will be learning about apostrophes for possession and plurals with y.

Spy – spies
Puppy – puppies
Fairy - fairies
Cry- cries
Fly- flies

We will also be learning about compound words such as;


We will also be completing a comprehension too.

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

We will be starting to assess the children this week on phonics and book bands.

Year 1 / 2

Assessment - We will be assessing the children on the compound words and the exception words to Year 1 and 2.

We will be continuing to focus on the skills based around grammar, nouns phases reading comprehension and extending the children’s writing. Our Grammar focus will be focusing on recognising adjectives in a sentence?

We will be talking about the steps to success.

Steps to success

  1. Read the sentence – what is being described? This is the noun.
  2. How is the noun being described?  This is the adjective.
  3. Capital letters.

 The children will be continuing to work on the fabulous book “Stick Man.” We will be looking at the main events in the book.

The children are going to continue to role play the story and we will come together and use puppets to talk the story out. We will recap the small world background. The children[s writing task is that they are going to write a recount of the story using expanding noun phrases.

 Thank you for all of the postcards that have been sent in. We have put them on the learning wall for the children reference. 


Assessment – the children will be reviewing concepts already covered this year to see how much the children have retained.

The children recapped multiplication during the week. We will be introducing division this week

We will be introducing the division sign this week.

 Children will work practically with equipment sharing objects one to one.

Use multilink.
Demonstrate using blocks to show this with other examples.

We will explain about the division sign. We will continue to talk about vocabulary linked to division.

Year 1

A lot of the time the children will be practising their assembly for Thursday morning.

This week the children are reviewing verbs and writing poems.

This week the children are learning about full and half turns and halving numbers. The children will also be learning about completing missing number problems.

Every day materials

During Spring term 1 the children in year 1 and 2 will be learning about ‘Everyday Materials’.  This topic lends itself to a lot of work in science where children will learn about everyday materials including wood, plastic, metal, water and rock.

This week the children will perform simple tests to find out which material would be suitable to make and umbrella from.  The will use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions about different materials. The children will record their prediction, what they did and their results.

They will be introduced to new words such as: predict, record and results.

Also this week the children will compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties by sorting objects.  The children will present their work in Venn diagrams.

They will be introduced to new words such as: sort, group and compare.

Have a good week everyone,

The 1 / 2 team.

I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.