Monday, 28 March 2016

Tuesday 29th March

Welcome to our blog,
We hope you enjoyed the Easter weekend. We had a lot of things happening last week from egg rolling, Easter bonnets and much, much more.


Year 2

Will be having a very short week this week. The children will have a great time and we have seven staff going on the trip. We thank all the staff who are willing to leave their own families to take the children away.

Arrangements for Tatten hall.
Please do not send anything new or expensive. It will get torn and it will get dirty.

Indoor clothing

A change of footwear is essential slippers or pumps. No outdoor shoes are allowed in the centre.

Outside wear

Lots of old clothes such as joggers/jumpers/sweatshirts, track suits, t shirts. No jeans as they are not good if they get wet.
Two old pair of trainers or shoes.
We will be out waking so shoes need to waterproof and comfortable.
Plenty of socks and underwear.

Other items

Pyjamas, hair brush, towel, aterproofcoat/anorack etc.

Toothpaste etc.

Camera if they know how to use a disposable one.


They may take three pounds to buy small items form the shop.

All clothing needs to be named. In the unlikely event it is sunny the children may bring suncream to apply to themselves but obviously scarves, hats and gloves may be more appropriate!!

Clear plastic bag for dirty clothes – names.

 Maths Year 2
We will be learning that multiplication can be done in either way but division cannot.


3 x 10 =30

10 x 3 =30

30÷10 = 3

 On Friday we will be completing a timetables test as usual and also a mental maths test.

Most children are tested on x 2 , x 5, x10. Some children are moving onto mixed division and multiplication too.

The children will be practising their writing and writing a story using a picture as a stimulus. On Friday the children will be writing about their experiences at Tattenhall.


Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds. Year 2 will be working through phase six.

The children are busy learning the Years 1 and 2 exception words and these are being tested for reading and spelling. We are playing a spell well game to learn them all too. Ask your child to explain the game spell well.

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

Year 1 / 2


We will be reviewing number work again this week.  The children will learn that it doesn’t matter which way the numbers go in addition sentences as you get the same answer.  However, in subtraction sentences it does matter which way the numbers go because you get a different answer.  For example: 

23 + 12 = 35

12 + 23 = 35

 29 – 7 = 22

7 – 29 = -22 (The children will not be taught how to do negative number subtraction; they will be shown this and given the opportunity to explore this learning).


The children will complete a reading comprehension on Tuesday.

Year 1
Year 1 will be working on superheros this week. Mrs Sarsfield and other staff will be teaching Year 1 all week when the year 2 are away.

There will be a variety of activities linked to superheros, designing costumes, writing about their own super hero, artwork and some directional work using the beebot.


 This week we will be exploring how the Romans changed Britain by learning about Roman Baths. We will watch a video and power point and complete a short piece of writing about visiting the baths and meeting friends.


Have a good week everyone.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Monday 21st March

Welcome to our blog,
Homework started again was sent out last week.

The children had great fun last week at sport’s relief on Friday.

The boys did really well at the football match last Tuesday.

Events this week

Egg rolling Wednesday afternoon. The children can bring in a hard boiled. decorated egg. Please make sure that they understand that it will get broken or lost so they won’t be bringing it home.

The children will be taking part on an Easter bonnet competition. We are looking forward to seeing their creations.

We will be concentrating on our Easter story this week as it is Easter on Sunday.

Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds. Year 2 will be working through phase six.

Maths Year 2
We will be reviewing number work again and we will be learning that addition and multiplication sentences can be put either way round.

We can write
6 x 5

5 x 6 etc.


The children will be learning that subtraction and divssion cannot be changed round.

Please keep practising the 2’s 5’s and 10 times tables. This week we will be testing the ALL THE TIMESTABLES we have covered so far again. We have also introduced a mixed multiplication and division sheets too.

Year 2 English
This week we are practising lots of writing. We will be writing on four days. We will be watching videos and looking at pictures to stimulate our writing.


The children are busy learning the Years 1 and 2 exception words and these are being tested for reading and spelling. We are playing a spell well game to learn them all too. Ask your child to explain the game spell well.

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

Year 1 / 2


We will be reviewing number work linked to addition and subtraction. The children will be practising questions such as:

4 + 7+ 9

23 + 8

20 +90


15 – 9

28 – 7

It is vital that your children know their number bonds to 10. Please go through this with them at home:

0 + 10 = 10

1 + 9 = 10

2 + 8 = 10

3 + 7 = 10

4 + 6 = 10

5 + 5 = 10

6 + 4 = 10

7 + 3 = 10

8 + 2 = 10

9 + 1 = 10

10 + 0 = 10

Next week the children will be tested on the 5 times tables. Please continue to support your child in learning these.  Thank you.

 The children will be continuing with their mental maths tests. We will be reviewing number bonds. We will also be trying to add number into their head by starting with a large number them adding a small number.

In 'Grammar' this week the children will be learning about changing the meaning of root words using the prefix ‘un’.  They will learn that adding ‘un’ to a root word changes it meaning to the opposite.  For example:

Kind = Unkind

Dress = Undress

Cover = Uncover

Fair = Unfair

The children will also be learning the rules for making singular words plural.  For example:

Flowers = Flowers

Party = Parties

Elf = Elves

Pitch = Pitches

 The rules are:

1.     We add s to many singular nouns to make them plural.

2.     If the singular noun ends with s, sh, ch, ss, z or x, we add es to make it plural.

3.      If the singular noun ends with a consonant +y we change the y to i and add es.

4.      If the singular noun ends with a vowel +y, we add an s to make it plural.

5.      If the singular noun ends with f, we often change the f to v and add es to make it plural.

6.      If the singular noun ends with o, we often add es to make it plural.

 It is important that children understand what vowels and consonants are – please do this with your children at home throughout the week.

The children will also have a reading comprehension.

We will be drawing aliens from the books Aliens live underpants. The children will be exploring different adjectives to describe these aliens and starting to make a class display with their art work.

 Year 1
In Maths this week we will be completing egg symmetrical patterns and will be using the Easter theme to solve real life addition and subtraction number problems.

Our English this week will link with R.E. and we will be recording lots of facts about Jesus and the Easter story. We will also be reading and spelling words ending with ing, ed and starting with un. 

This week we will be exploring how the Romans changed Britain by learning about Roman Baths. We will watch a video and power point and complete a short piece of writing about visiting the baths and meeting friends.

Have a good week everyone. Happy Easter!!

The 1 / 2 team.

I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.


Sunday, 13 March 2016

Monday 14th March

Welcome to our blog,

 Homework started again was sent out last week.

Please remember that there is a Tatten hall meeting for Year 2 parents on Wednesday evening after school.

The children had a great time on World Maths day on Thursday.

The children in Year 5 came to help Year 2 learn how to tell the time last week.
We will be starting a new topic OPPORTUNITIES. The children will be listening to a story about opportunities, thinking about different choices and reading the story of Dogger. They will be thinking about choices they have in their lives and what choices other people have in their lives.


Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds. Year 2 will be working through phase six.

Maths Year 2

We will be reviewing number work linked to addition and subtraction. The children will be practising:

Questions such as

4 + 7+ 9

23 + 8

20 +90


15 – 9

28 – 7

66 - 37

Please keep practising the 2’s 5’s and 10 times tables. This week we will be testing the ALL THE TIMESTABLES we have covered so far again.

Year 2 English

 This week we will be learning the different types of sentences again.


We will also be learning in detail about exclamation sentences that are needed in all writing.

How hot it was today!

I couldn’t believe what it was!

The children will also be completing some independent writing using a picture as a stimulus.

The children will be writing about Charlotte’s web too in extended writing.



We will also be completing a comprehension too.

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.


Year 1 / 2
This week we will be learning about time.  The children will learn how to tell the time and show the time on clocks. We will be learning about o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.  The children will also be introduced to 5-minute intervals.

 In today’s digital age often we find that analogue clocks are no longer used in homes.  Please can you make sure you practice telling the time with your child using an analogue clock.

If you don’t have one at home this link is useful:


Next week the children will be tested on the 5 times tables. Please continue to support your child in learning these.  Thank you.

In 'Grammar' this week the children will be learning about changing verbs to the present progressive tense by adding ‘ing’ and the associated grammatical rules.  For example:

Walk = Walking
Laugh = Laughing
Shop = Shopping
Take = Taking
Bake = Baking

It is important that children understand what vowels and consonants are – please do this with your children at home throughout the week.

The children will also have a reading comprehension.

Year 1


In English we will be continuing our work on Aliens - writing an alien story and reading alien words. We will also be continuing our work on grammar - the adding of ed and ing onto the end of words and will be improving our reading and writing of these words. We will also review the reading and writing of words with an apostrophe, due to letters being missed out - contracted words.

 Year 1
In Maths this week we will be focusing on subtraction by counting back, and by using pairs to 10 to take 1 number away from a multiple of 10. We will also be reviewing telling the time - o'clock and half past.


This week we will continue our topic 'A Street Through Time' by starting to find out about the Roman invasion of Britain, and how this changed how people lived and their homes. We will start by focusing on building models showing how the Romans introduced central heating, and creating a collage mosaic.



Have a good week everyone,

The 1 / 2 team.

I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.