Sunday, 24 April 2016

Monday 25th April

Welcome to a new week. Homework was sent out last week and we need it back in on Monday so it can be marked and given back by Thursday. Year 2 have my Maths exercises too.

 We learnt about measuring liquids last week.

We drew a 30 metre whale.

 Year 1 made a bridge from newspaper rods.

We will be continuing with a new topic in RE called SPREAD THE WORD. We will be thinking about all sorts of messages and how messages are sent received. We will be listening and responding to a story and thinking about how messages can be changed and playing Chinese whispers.

The children will be listening to the story of Pentecost and learning about the gift of the Holy spirit.
Maths Year 2
We will be concentrating on number work again. We will be practising counting in tens, 3’s and 5’s from all different numbers.
We will be practising adding and subtracting using columns. We will be exchanging tens and carrying too.

We will be completing a mental maths test too.
We will be testing the children on their x 2, x 3  x5, x10 tables. Some children are completing a tests with both multiplication and division on them too.

Please make sure that your child has instant recall of these timetables.

Then we are concentrating our work around sharks.

We will be doing a cold task and writing down anything we know about sharks.

Throughout the week we will learn more and be talking a lot about key facts and information.

Finally we will be writing a report about sharks.

Our writing must have these things included in it and the children will have a check list too.

Past tense
Exclamation marks
Exception words
Ness, ful, less, ly words
Because, if, when, if, that
Noun phrases
Contractions too

The children will be completing a comprehension too.

We are busy testing the exception words all the time.

Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds. Year 2 will be working through phase six.

The children are busy learning the Years 1 and 2 exception words all the time and these are being tested for reading and spelling constantly. We are playing a spell well game to learn them all too. Ask your child to explain the game spell well.

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

Year 1/2 Maths 
This week we will be reviewing and exploring the topic of measurement.  The children will be weighing various items in grams and kilograms, using thermometers and reading scales.  They will also be learning about litres and millilitres and how to choose the correct unit of measurement for length.           

They will also be tested on the 5 times tables.  Please continue to work with your child in learning the 5 times tables. Thank you.


In grammar this week the children will be learning about the suffixes 'less' and 'ful'.  Their meaning and how they can change a verb or a noun to an adjective.

 The children will also have a reading comprehension this week.
The children watched a power point about the Queen last week and started to learn facts about the Queen and the Royal family.
The children will look at the key features of a non-chronological report and start to make notes of facts about the Queen.

Discuss Key Features:
Does the topic title cover the whole subject?
  • Does you have a brief introduction paragraph about the subject?
  • Is your information organised into categories?
  • Is there bullet points or facts boxes included in your work?
  • Is there factual language and description?
  • Are you using any technical language in your writing?
  • Can you add extra information in your writing to support your main points?
If you have any information books at home about the Queen that you would like to share please bring them into school so that the children can develop their learning further. Thank you

Mrs Sarsfield
Year 1
In Maths we will be focusing on multiplication and division by using arrays of objects - a practical way of showing multiplication and division. We will be relating this practical format to the use of the multiplication and division signs.
We will also be revising adding and taking away tens, telling the time, and doubling numbers.

In English we will be recording how we built our gateway bridges, made last Friday. We will also be revising the adding of ing and ed onto the end of verbs in the past tense, based on our writing from last week which showed we need to review this objective. We will then be writing an autobiography about L S Lowry which links with the topic - Victorian streets.

This week in Topic we will be focusing on streets in the industrial Victorian era. We will study the work of L S Lowry in order to guide our understanding and will be drawing streets in the style of Lowry. We will also be finding out about his life and writing an autobiography on L S Lowry. S Lowry

Have a good week,

The 1 / 2 team.

I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.


Sunday, 17 April 2016

Monday 18th April

Welcome back we hope that you had a good break. It is so nice seeing the sun shining and long may it continue! Yippee
Here are a few photos from the last week.

We will be starting a new topic in RE called SPREAD THE WORD. We will be thinking about all sorts of messages and how messages are sent received. We will be listening and responding to a story and thinking about how messages can be changed and playing Chinese whispers.

Year 2

Maths Year 2
We will be reviewing and exploring the topic of measurement.
We will be weighing things in grams and kilogrammes.
We will be using thermometers and reading scales, we will be learning about litres and millitres.

We will be choosing the correct unit of measure for length. We will be writing a story about animals to start with.

We will be testing the children on their x 2, x 3  x5, x10 tables. Some children are completing a tests with both multiplication and division on them too.

Please make sure that your child has instant recall of these timetables.

Then we are concentrating our work around the story Noah’s ark.
We will be listening to the story with actions and we will be learning the story off by heart. We will be sequencing it and drawing the story in pictures to help us learn the story.

We will be learning the song too.

Our writing must have these things included in it and the children will have a check list too.

Past tense
Exclamation marks
Exception words
Ness, ful, less, ly words
Because, if, when, if, that
Noun phrases
Contractions too

At the end of the week we will be writing the story again about Noah’s ark using the words:

The children will be completing a comprehension too.
We are busy testing the exception words all the time.

Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds. Year 2 will be working through phase six.

The children are busy learning the Years 1 and 2 exception words all the time and these are being tested for reading and spelling constantly. We are playing a spell well game to learn them all too. Ask your child to explain the game spell well.
We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

Year 1 / 2
Year 1/2 Maths 
This week the children will revisit partitioning, inverse operations and number bonds to the nearest multiple of 10.

They will also be tested on the 5 times tables.  Please continue to work with your child in learning the 5 times tables. Thank you.


This is splitting a number up into hundreds, tens and ones.  For example:

34 = 30 + 4

79 = 70 + 9

121 = 100 + 20 + 1

236 = 200 + 30 + 6

Inverse operations

Understanding inverse operations can help children make sure they have answered a question correctly.  For example:

20 + 6 = 26

26 – 6 = 20

26 – 20 = 6

Number bonds
It is vital that children are able to instantly recall their number bonds. We are now learning number bonds to the nearest multiple of 10.  For example:

The number bond for 34 to 40 is 6.

Please work with your child in securing this knowledge.


The children will be continuing with these particular focus targets:

Can I talk about my favourite words and phrases in stories and poems?
Can I answer and ask questions?
Can I make predictions based on what I have read?

We will be focusing on the book "Aliens love underpants" and the children will investigate the story pattern in the story and use story language with their verbal retelling of the story.

The children will be introduced the suggested actions for first, next, after that, later on, and finally. (Pie Corbett training from the inset day)

Talk for writing IMITATION – knowing the text well.  We will read the text again adding the suggested actions for first, next, after that, later on, and finally. Can the children join in with the actions?

After this week can your child describe some of the actions for first, next, after that, later on, and finally?

 The children are going to recap the alternative sounds ie, ch and c. Can they tell the alternative pronunciation for the words:

Christmas, chemist, chord, chorus, Chris, chronic, chemical, headache, technical,

field, shield, chief, brief, priest ,yield, shriek, thief, relief,

cell, central, acid, cycle, icy, cent, Cynthia, success, December, accent

Mrs Sarsfield
Year 1

This week we will be writing a diary about our holiday, and completing a comprehension. We will also be exploring the use of the exclamation mark compared with the question mark, as well as improving reading and phonics skills.
This week we will be focusing on adding 10 onto a number under 100. We will also be using a number line to add and subtract, and will be drawing our own number lines to solve problems. We will be reviewing doubling and halving numbers.

This week we are focusing on medieval castles. We will be finding out about why and where castles were built, the features of castles and will be finding out about the nearest castles to Warrington.

Have a good week,

The 1 / 2 team.

I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.


Sunday, 3 April 2016

Monday 4th April

Welcome to our blog,

The children had a great time at Tatten hall and here are some photographs of what we got up to.
Playing games
Making fire
Cooking bread
Building shelters
Candle factory
Group photo - candle factory








The children will be reviewing the  different parts of Easter time starting with;

Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday.

 Year 2

Maths Year 2
We will be reviewing partitioning that is splitting up a number.
Examples –
34 = 30 + 4
121 = 100 + 20 +1
321 = 300 + 20 + 1

The children will be reviewing the common homophone our and are.

Our dog
Our name
Our class etc.

We will also be reviewing past tense.
Today we walk to town – present tense.
Yesterday we walked to town - past tense.

The children will be completing a comprehension too.
We are busy testing the exception words all the time.

Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds. Year 2 will be working through phase six.

The children are busy learning the Years 1 and 2 exception words all the time and these are being tested for reading and spelling constantly. We are playing a spell well game to learn them all too. Ask your child to explain the game spell well.

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

Year 1 / 2


During this short week the children will review addition, subtraction and time.

They will be tested on the 5 times tables.
Please continue to work with your child in learning the 5 times tables. Thank you.

The grammar focus this week will be on comparative adjectives such as:

small          smaller          smallest
tidy             tidier             tidiest
big               bigger           biggest

There are a lot of rules for knowing how to spell the comparative adjectives.  It is therefore vital that your child knows what a vowel and a consonant is.

Please continue to work with your children in securing this knowledge.

Mrs Sarsfield
Year 1
This week we will be continuing to focus on the use of question marks and we will also be introducing exclamation marks and comparing the two. We will also be checking up on alphabet knowledge in lower and upper cases. We will also be checking reading ability of words that end in 's, ed and est'. We will also be checking our high frequency spellings.

In Maths this week we will be focusing on consolidating knowledge of doubles and halves as well as telling the time and drawing hands on clocks to show o'clock and half past. We will also be reviewing the names of 3D shapes and their properties.
Have a good few days.

The 1 / 2 team.