Welcome to our blog this week. The
term is racing away and we only have four weeks until the summer holidays.
We had a
great few Sport’s day practices however we were rained off by terrible weather.
At least the children enjoyed practising the PE skills which form the basis of
our Sport’s day.
Here are
a few pictures.
Stage One and Foundation Stage children took part in the Warrington Rio
Games 2016 at the Orford Hub on Wednesday 22nd June 2016. There were over
28 schools and 1000 pupils taking part in the event across Warrington. Our
children were able to participate in many events throughout the day, the
events included yoga, art, music, samba dancing, reading, clay modelling,
obstacle races, parachute, golf, bowls, space hoppers and skipping. The
children were a credit to the school and loved every part of the event. Well
done children!The children had a great week learning lots about Europe, France and Spanish. We did lots of activities from food tasting tortillas, language work, especially French with Mrs Harding, Spanish language work and learnt about their culture too. The year five even helped Year2 to make 3d footballs which challenged us all!!
Diary for the next few weeks.
Thursday 7 July transition day 1
Friday 8 July transition day 2
Thursday 7 July Key stage one disco
Thursday 14 July school trip
Friday 22 July Leaver’s Mass and end of term.
Year 2/ Year 1/2 /Year 1
and see week.
This week
we are spending a lot of our time learning about other religions. We are going
to start with learning about JUDAISM and then move onto ISLAM.
We will
be learning about Jewish family life, about the Shabbatt and the synagogue. In
Islam we will be leaning about places of worship, family life and culture and
Muslim families.
English Year 1 /2
In English this
week the children will also be reviewing frontal adverbs, how to identify them
and use them to add interest to their sentences.The children will also be doing a reading comprehension.
Maths Year 2/ year 1 / 2
This week we will be doing some mastery of Maths concepts. We will be learning in greater depth about finding totals through addition and subtractions sentences, finding missing numbers and splitting up or partitioning numbers.
We will be also investigating even numbers.
We will
be testing the children on their x 2, x 3
x5, x10 tables. Some children are completing tests with both
multiplication and division on them too.
make sure that your child has instant recall of these timetables.
Mrs Sarsfield
Year 1See above planning for Judaism and Isalm.
We will be learning about missing numbers and using number lines for adding and subtracting.
Have a good week.
The 1 / 2 team.
I can divide by
grouping things.
I know what
divide means.
I can divide by
grouping things.
I know what
divide means.