Sunday, 25 September 2016

Monday 26th September

Welcome to our blog.
Please can you make sure that your child is heard read at least three times a week and please put a comment in their diary. Reading is the key to everything at school. We can’t promise to respond everyday but we will throughout the week. Thank you for your support.

International Languages day
On Monday we celebrate International languages day. The children will be learning different ways of saying hello and good bye. The children will be learning days of the week and colours in Spanish.

Homework was sent out last Thursday and we please ask you to return it on a Monday. We will be testing the children on their weekly spellings on a Friday. In year 2 the children should have received their login details for my maths and there are some activities set for them to complete over the rest of this term. Thank you for your support on this.

RE Families

The children will be listening to stories for the Bible and learning about how families care for one another. They will be finding out how Jesus was cared for. They will be writing a prayer. They will be making a collage of birds, trees and animals and recognising how much God loves them.

A few helpful sites.

English Blog for Year 1/2

Grammar and Punctuation
The children will be working on the following questions during their lessons:
·        What are punctuation marks?
·         Why are they important?
·         What punctuation marks do you know?
The main focus this week will be question marks and how we use them. The children will be learning about whether a sentence should use a question mark or a full stop.

Writing Focus
The children will recap the story “The tiger who came to tea” and recap the key questions about the book from their book review.
Where is the story set?
Who are the main characters?
What happened at the beginning, middle and end?

The children will be looking at how we can extend a sentence using an adjective. The children will be recounting the story and using language such as stripy, enormous, kind and thirsty.

Spelling Test
The children will have their weekly spelling test on Friday.

Maths 1 /2
The children will be completing a cold task before the learning. The children will be asked to write numbers in numerals and words. Throughout the week the children will be practising their numbers up to 100. They need to learn how to spell them too.

Mrs Sarsfield
This week we will be learning to recite the alphabet and form the letters correctly both in lower case and in capitals. We will also be using the book 'Mr Grumpy's Outing' to stimulate reading and writing activities, and will continue to learn to read and spell high frequency words.

We will be counting in 10's and 2's and will start to learn the pairs of numbers that make a 5 and a 6 using practical equipment and recording using the + and = signs.
Year 2 English
This week we will be settling into a routine of grammar, handwriting and writing again.
We will be learning about the past and present tense and we will be writing sentences of our own showing our learning.  We will also be using the Ginger bread man for talk for writing and for a final piece of writing at the end of the week. The children will be drawing out the story and will be talking to a partner retelling the sequence of the story.

Year 2 Maths
The children will be continuing writing numbers in words and we will be starting a new topic of ordering lengths, mass and recording results using the greater than and less than signs and using the equals sign too.

During our topic lessons this week we will be looking at the different reasons why people travel into space.  Space travel allows scientists to understand what it is like in space. Probes are often sent into space to take pictures of the planets, in particular Mars, so that scientists can see what the surface of the planet is like. We will be looking at the different planets and thinking about what we would see if we went to space.

This week we will the answering the question 'How can we travel in to space?'. We will be looking at rockets and labelling the features of rockets such as the nose which is pointed to help the rocket push through the Earth's atmosphere.

We will be coming up with design ideas for our rockets and will start to make rockets from the kitchen roll tubes.
Best wishes

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Higgins
Mrs Lockett



Sunday, 18 September 2016

Monday 19th September

Welcome to our blog.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Induction meeting last Tuesday. We hope you found it informative. This week the children will be really settled into school life again.

Please can you make sure that your child is heard read at least three times a week and please put a comment in their diary. Reading is the key to everything at school. We can’t promise to respond everyday but we will throughout the week. Thank you for your support.

RE Families
We will be thinking about how families love and care for us. The children will be designing a family activity that shows caring and love in a family. The children will learn about God’s love in the Bible. The children will be learning what a psalm is and will be making up a class psalm. The children will be making a brick house for a display to show how a family loves and cares for each other.

A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield
This week we will be continuing to improve the reading and writing of high frequency words through a variety of games and activities. We will also be reading the book 'Whatever Next', which links with our topic Journeys. We will be writing simple sentences about baby bear, using correct spellings of the high frequency words, and we will be writing a postcard home from the moon by baby bear.

We will continue learning to count and write with the correct formation, the numbers 0-100, both forwards and backwards. We will also begin to learn to count in 10's and 2's, focusing on using practical equipment to count with. We will start to write number sequences in 10's and 2's.

English Mrs Pinto/Miss Birchall
This week the children will be practising their handwriting and will be learning all about the tiger who came to tea. The children will be completing lots of work around this book.

Mrs Harding
This week we will be settling into a routine of grammar, handwriting and writing.
We will be learning about the past tense and will be looking at funny bones to help us too. We will also be using the Three Billy Goats Gruff for talk for writing  and for a final piece of writing at the end of the week. The children will be drawing out the story and will be talking to a partner retelling the sequence of the story.

 Year 2 Maths
The children will be continuing with counting in 2, 3 5, and 10 forwards and backwards. The children will be using number sequences.

During our topic lessons this week we will be looking at the different reasons why people travel into space.  Space travel allows scientists to understand what it is like in space. Probes are often sent into space to take pictures of the planets, in particular Mars, so that scientists can see what the surface of the planet is like. We will be looking at the different planets and thinking about what we would see if we went to space.
Best wishes
Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Higgins
Mrs Lockett


Sunday, 11 September 2016

Monday 12th September

Welcome to our blog. The children had a good first week back and hopefully they have settled in to the new routines.

Please can we ask you to hear your child read at least three times a week. Reading has the biggest impact on a child’s progress, development and self-esteem. Please can you make sure you make a comment in diaries to please.
There will be an induction meeting on Tuesday the 13th of September at 3.15pm. There will be a crèche available.

All uniform needs to be named as it saves a lot of time and money.

PE kits need to be in school and we will send them home every half term.

Children can bring in a photograph of their family for an RE display.

RE – Families
This week we will be thinking about our own families and how we spend our time with families.
We will be looking at a picture and finding out how families show that they love and care for each other.

Topic – Journeys with a space theme.
We will be thinking about why people want to travel into space and why we would like to go into space.

English Year 1 / 2

The children will be celebrating 100 years of Roald Dahl birthday on Tuesday. We will be celebrating the famous book author throughout the week through a variety of activities. We will l looking at the sentence structure and fabulous language that is incorporated into his books.

We will be looking at the different book covers of many of his famous books including The BFG and James and the Giant Peach.

Below are some website that the children can explore more about Roald Dahl:

 English Year 2

The children will be having a week full of Roald Dahl activities concentrating on the BFG. The children will be learning about ant bullying through the book, they will be learning about friendship, designing their own giant, designing an anti bullying poster and also different book covers. We will be putting up bunting for Tuesday too.

Happy Birthday Roald!

English Year 1

Will be doing some activities on Roald Dahl and will be practising to read and write high frequency words and use them in simple sentences. We will be handwriting the alphabet too.

Maths Year 1

We will be counting on and back towards 0 to 100 adding on 1 and taking away 1.

Year 2 Maths
The children will be reviewing place value so that they recognise different digits. They will be counting in 1, 5’s and 10’s from any number.

Best wishes

 Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Higgins
Mrs Lockett


Sunday, 4 September 2016

Monday 5th September

Welcome to our blog. Welcome to a new year.

This will be updated every week and will provide messages, events and details about what your child is learning. We will also provide some web sites. We upload photographs most weeks too. Please put us on your favourites.

This week the children will be settling in and getting used to new routines and rules. We will be discussing class rules and will also be going over our behaviour policy.

A few things to remember:
There will be an induction meeting on Tuesday the 13th of September at 3.15pm. There will be a crèche available.

Your child will receive a diary on Monday. This needs to come to school every day.
Your child will receive a reading book. Please make sure you write comments in diaries.
All uniform needs to be named as it saves a lot of time and money.
PE kits need to be in school and we will send them home every half term.
Children can bring in a photograph of their family for an RE display.

We will be starting to think about some of our new topics.
Topic – Journeys with a space theme.
RE – Families

This week we will be hearing the children read and testing them on the exception words for year one and two. We will also be assessing the children in phonics.
We hope everyone has a good first week back.
Best wishes

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Higgins
Mrs Lockett