Sunday, 9 July 2017

Monday 10th July

Welcome to our blog.

Sport’s day

This has been rescheduled for the final week on Wednesday afternoon.

Boat museum Friday

The children are getting excited and please keep an eye on the weather! The children will need a packed lunch or order one at school. Please could any outstanding slips and monies be sent in thank you. We now have enough help thanks.


New spellings and sentences were sent home last week.

The year two spellings may have seemed a little easier but it is essential that they know the difference between all the basic homophones. For example – their/there/they’re/ etc. Thank you for your understanding.


This week we will be learning about other religions. The children will learn about Judaism and Islam.


This week we will be using the book 'Superworm' as a stimulus to write about the main character and write a letter to the main character. We will also be writing some instructions to make a bug hotel, which links with our topic of minibeasts. 


This week we will be learning about positioning objects on a grid and reading a grid reference. We will learn to write instructions to move an object on a grid to another position using words such as :forwards, backwards, right, left.

Year 2 Maths

This week the children will be focusing on a few topics that they need to work on. We are going to learn how to compare shapes, identify place value and measure length. We will be learning these concepts again and deepening understanding.


This week we will be having a focus on Judaism and Islam. The children will be learning about a Shabbat and the story of Moses. The children will also be learning about Muhammed.

Year 1 / 2


This week, we will be doing some work on poetry. We will be looking at the text ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ as a stimulus. We will move on to describe animals and write our own verses of a poem about a jungle animal using words that rhyme. We will also be working on reciting a poem in groups and performing it as a class.


We will be using the skills and knowledge that we have learnt this year in our maths lessons and we will be applying this to problem solving in a money context. We will be given a budget and we will be designing our own gardens. We will have to ‘buy’ plants and flowers and employ staff to work at the garden to keep it clean.


In our topic lessons, prior to going on our trip, we will be looking at what life was like on a canal boat. This will tie in with our history focus on ‘transport’ and our art work, where we are creating our own canal art.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Pinto Edwards

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Monday 3rd July

Welcome to our blog.

Sport’s day

This has been rescheduled for the final week on Wednesday afternoon.


New spellings and sentences were sent home his week.

The year two spellings may have seemed a little easier but it is essential that they know the difference between all the basic homophones. For example – their/there/they’re/ etc. Thank you for your understanding.


This week we will be continuing our topic BEING SORRY.

The children will be thinking about forgiveness. They will be drawing a candle and inside will be writing about how they can show kindness and be a light that shines in the dark. The children will thinking about how they can be like Jesus.

Year 1


This week we will be completing a variety of numerical activities. We will be writing the ordinal places in numbers and words, and solving ordinal number problems. We will also be completing activities where we write numbers in words, and completing 1 more/1 less and 10 more/10 less sums as well as recording as many sums as we can that make 10, including additions, subtractions, repeated additions and divisions if possible.


This week we will be finishing the poem we started last week and completing a poetry comprehension. We will continue to focus on mini-beasts and write an acrostic poem and a shape poem using a variety of describing words, about mini-beasts.


Year 2 Maths

This week the children will be focussing on multiplication and division. The children will be practising their skills and deepening their understanding of these number concepts.


This week we will be using lots of books by Anthony Brown. The children will be using Anthony Browne books to plan a story. They will be seeing how he stats books and writing their own starter. They will make up their own problems and will be using adjectives and noun phrases. This week we will be having a real focus on handwriting.

English 1 / 2

This week we will be continuing with our work based on the book 'The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon' by Mini Grey. This book is based on what happened after the dish and the spoon ran away together at the end of 'Hey Diddle Diddle'. This week we will be looking at nursery rhymes and we will be planning and writing our own story based on one of these rhymes. We will also be looking at how speech is recorded in speech bubbles and speech marks.

This week we will also be having a big focus on handwriting and will be practising daily.

In maths we will start the week by revising subtraction as this is an area where the children sometimes struggle. We will be recapping different strategies that we can use to subtract. We will then move on to using the bar model to represent subtraction and missing number problems
Science Year 1/ 2
This week we will be continuing with our materials topic and looking at the properties of materials and their suitability for different objects. We will be thinking about how we can answer the question 'What material makes the best umbrella?'. We will be planning and hopefully carrying out an investigation.

Science Year 2

This week the children will be designing their own boat using materials around them. They will be finding out about what materials and objects can be recycled and things that cannot be recycled.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Pinto Edwards

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Monday 26th June

Welcome to our blog.

Sport’s day

Tuesday afternoon at 1.15. If the weather seems to be improving suddenly can you make sure that the children come to school with sunscreen on already and wear a hat. The children will be wearing their uniform PE kit and we would appreciate if you could make sure that their pumps still fit. Thank you very much.


Normal spellings and sentences were sent home his week.


This week we will be continuing our topic BEING SORRY. The children will be exploring that we have choices and

The children will start to find out about Jesus and how he looked for people to help who were sinners. They will be retelling the story of Levi and Zacchaeus. The children will be thinking about forgiveness.

Year 1


This week we will be completing a variety of numerical activities. We will be writing the ordinal places in numbers and words, and solving ordinal number problems. We will also be completing activities where we write numbers in words, and completing 1 more/1 less and 10 more/10 less sums as well as recording as many sums as we can that make 10, including additions, subtractions, repeated additions and divisions if possible.


This week we will be finishing the poem we started last week and completing a poetry comprehension. We will continue to focus on mini-beasts and write an acrostic poem and a shape poem using a variety of describing words, about mini-beasts.

Year 2 Maths

This week the children will be focussing on money in maths. They will be adding and subtracting money and will be using diagrams and pictures to help them.


This week we will be using lots of books by Anthony Brown. The children will be saying what they like and dislike about books. The children will be using conjunctions and adjectives to improve their sentences and they will be writing a blurb for Willy the wimp. The children will also be reading the gorilla by Anthony Brown.

English 1 / 2

For the last two weeks, we have been looking at the book Biscuit Bear by Mini Grey, which the children really enjoyed. This week we will be moving on to look at another one of her books, 'The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon'. From this book we will be making predictions based on the front cover, writing our own blurb for the book, using adjectives to describe the characters and responding to the plot, events and characters.

We will also be completing spelling activities and guided reading.

We will spend another lesson looking at fractions, as this is something that the children found difficult last week. We will then be moving on to exploring and using cuisenaire rods and the bar model to represent number bonds to 10/20 (y1) and be using the bar model to help us understand and solve addition problems. 

This week, we will continue with our topic 'Materials'. We will be thinking of ways to describe the materials, looking at their properties and commenting on the suitability of materials for a specific purpose.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Pinto Edwards

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Monday 19th June

Welcome to our blog.

We hope that you are enjoying the glorious weather.

Can we remind you that the children will need sunscreen that they have to put on themselves and a sun hat.  A bottle of water is essential for them in this weather. We will be practising for our sports day too this week so the children will be out side and will need protection from the sun. Thanks.Thank you.


Normal spellings and sentences were sent home his week.


This week we will be continuing our new topic BEING SORRY. The children will be exploring that we have choices and sometimes we choose well and sometimes we choose wrongly. The children will be thinking about their own good and bad choices.

I was happy when….

I was sad when…….

The children will be listening to a short story about being sorry.

The children will start to find out about Jesus and ho he looked for people to help who were sinners.

Year 1


This week we will be focusing on poetry. We will be learning to read poetry with the correct rhythm and expression. We will be reading poetry that rhymes and finding the words at the end of lines that rhyme and poetry that doesn't rhyme. We will be writing our own poem about minibeasts.


This week we will be focusing on adding and subtracting, including solving missing number problems. We will link some of this work with money and also with multiples of 10, making 100 and 200.

Year 2 Maths

This week we will be practising our skills of solving word problems by using bar modelling. The children will learn to use diagrams more in their problem solving. For example:

There were 4 flowers in each row. How many flowers were there are 10 rows


The children will be focusing on multiplication and division this week Then they will be challenged to solve problems with all four rules using bar modelling.


This week we will be having a writing week. The children wil be reading the book Spinderella. They will be recalling the book, writing a diary and a report. They will also be learning all about spiders and have been asked to find out about them or bring in books/information.


This week, we will be continuing with work related to our book ‘Biscuit Bear’ by Mini Grey. We will be designing and creating our own biscuit bears and writing a character description about them. We will then move on to writing instructions about how to decorate biscuit bears, before moving on to re-writing the story of biscuit bear from another character’s point of view. The children have really enjoyed working on the book so far!


This week we will be revising measurement as this is an area that the children seem to be struggling with. We will be looking at reading scales on measuring jugs and thermometers, telling the time and fractions. You can support your child with this at home by referring to an analogue clock regularly and asking the children to say what time the hands are showing. Y1 children need to know o’clock and half past, whereas Y2 children need to be able to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.


This week we will be starting our new topic ‘Materials’. We will be going on a materials hunt around our school, identifying materials and their uses in our school grounds. We will be looking for glass, wood, plastic, metal etc. Children need to be able to distinguish between the object and the material that it is made from. We will also be looking at properties of materials.

 Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Pinto Edwards

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Monday 12th June

Welcome to our blog.

Welcome back to the final half term of the year. The year has gone really fast and before we know it we will be in July.
Phonics tests

Please remember that the Year 1 have a phonics test

this week  and any Year 2 who didn’t achieve the expected level in Year 1 will resit in at the same time. The children have to read 32/40 words which include some alien words that are made up.

This week we will be starting our new topic BEING SORRY. The children will be exploring that we have choices and sometimes we choose well and sometimes we choose wrongly. The children will be thinking about their own good and bad choices.

I was happy when….

I was sad when…….

Year 1
This week we will be focusing on phonics - reviewing all phonemes by playing games, using computer games, and a variety of phonics activities. Also we will be reading a variety of words- compound words, words ending in 'er' 'est' and 'ing' and words with an apostrophe for a contraction. We will also be writing a recount of our holiday and completing some grammar activities.

This week we will be reviewing and extending our multiplication skills, using the 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Also we will be counting in 2's. 5's and 10's. We will be reviewing the names of 3d shapes and programming the beebot to travel along a route on a beebot mat.

Year 2 Maths
This week we will be practising our skills of solving word problems by using bar modelling. The children will learn to use diagrams more in their problem solving. For example

Jake had 63 football cards and he lost some. Now he has 38 football cards how many did he lose?

Draw a bar



English Year 2
This week we will be having a writing week. We will be using the book Biscuit bear to write a narrative, a description and a set of instructions.
The children will read the book and get to know the story. They will be using talk for writing.

Year 1 / 2 English

This week will begin with Year 1 children completing a range of phonics activities in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check. We will be revising all of the sounds taught so far and looking at strategies to help the children recognise and read these sounds in both real and alien words. Whilst Year 1 children are working on their phonics, Year 2 will be planning and writing a recount of their school holidays, remembering to use the features we have learnt about so far e.g. time phrases, noun phrases to describe, suffixes etc.

Later in the week, we will be looking at the book ‘Biscuit Bear’ by Mini Grey. We will be reading the book together and from this book we will be writing a diary entry of one of the characters and a set of instructions on ‘Decorating Biscuits’.

This week, we will be looking at multiplication. We will be thinking about how multiplication is used in ‘real-life’ e.g. counting pairs of socks in 2s. We will be looking at different ways to show the concept of multiplication, for example through arrays or repeated addition. Year 2 will also be looking at the inverse of multiplication and how we can use division to work out missing number problems.

 Science Yr1
This week in our science lessons, we will be looking at seasonal changes in Spring and Summer. We will be learning about the differences between deciduous and evergreen trees and thinking about how the weather changes throughout the year.

Science Yr 2
This week we will be identifying materials and will be thinking about their uses. We will be looking at the materials to build a house. The children will be drawing a house and labelling the materials used.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Pinto Edwards

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Monday 22nd May

Welcome to our blog.

The year 2 did really well coping with the pressures of the tests. We were really proud of hem and we hope their results will reflect the hard work that they have put in.

We are continuing with  HOLIDAYS AND HOLY DAYS.

We will be finishing off the topic this week. We will be thinking about how people feel when they have received the Holy Spirit. The children will be completing their formal assessment.


Normal spellings and sentences were sent home his week.
Thank you to everyone that sent them back on time.


Please remember that the Year 1 have a phonics test in June and any Year 2 who didn’t achieve the expected level in Year 1 will resit in at the same time. The children have to read 32 words which include some alien words that are made up.


A few helpful sites.



This week we will continue to focus our work on the story Jack and the Beanstalk. We will complete a comprehension based on the story and write sentences containing adjectives to describe the characters. We will also be writing an apology letter to the giant from Jack. We will also be focusing on phonics and reading activities.


In Maths this week we will be finishing our work based on Jack and the Beanstalk and will be learning about fractions. We will be shading in given fractions and focusing on knowing how to find 1/2 and 1/4 of a given amount - of both a shape and number.


This week we will be studying the author Julia Donaldson. We will spend Monday’s lesson looking at a range of her books, reading them and talking about which ones we like best and why. If you have any Julia Donaldson books at home, please bring them in and share them with the class. Year 2 children will be writing a book review about their favourite.

 We will spend the rest of the week writing a letter to Julia Donaldson, telling her how much we enjoy her books and that we will look forward to spending time writing stories based on her books over the next few weeks.


This week we will be revising measure, looking at how we measure height, weight and length in both standard and non-standard units. We will be doing lots of problem solving on this topic and working together as groups.

Year 2 Maths

We will be deepening our understanding of partitioning and place value. We will also be practising adding with and without regrouping. We will be subtracting with and without exchanging a ten. We will be dividing with and without remainders.


This week we will be having a writing week. We will be using pictures and animations to write narrative stories. We will be writing a description and a set of instructions too.


This week we will be looking at omnivores, carnivores and herbivores. We will be looking at what these terms mean and the types of foods that animals might eat. Year 2 children will also be learning about and constructing food chains.


We will be finishing our topic about The UK with a lesson on Northern Ireland. We will be looking at their traditions and landmarks and will be writing a postcard from Northern Ireland.

Have a great holiday. Thank you for all the support and help you have given during this half term which has seen many changes for our school.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Lockett

Mrs Pinto Edwards

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Monday 15th May

Welcome to our blog.

We hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather. We expect rain this week so our gardens will be better.


The year two will be completing their sats this week:

Arithmetic paper

Reasoning paper

Reading paper one

Reading paper 2

I am sure they will do very well as they have been working so very hard.


We are continuing with  HOLIDAYS AND HOLY DAYS.

We will be finishing off the topic this week.

We will be creating newspaper article about what happened at Pentecost. The children will also be writing about what they would tell others about Jesus.


Normal spellings and sentences were sent home his week.


Please remember that the Year 1 have a phonics test in June and any Year 2 who didn’t achieve the expected level in Year 1 will resit in at the same time. The children have to read 32 words which include some alien words that are made up.


A few helpful sites.

Year 1

This week most of  our English will be linked to the story 'jack and the Beanstalk'. We will be exploring and using adjectives describing Jack and the Giant and writing a character description based on the things they do in the story and what they look like. We will also be writing a diary as Jack, on the first day he climbs the beanstalk, and re-writing the story in the correct chronological order. Phonics and reading activities will also take place.


Most of the Maths this week will also be linked with the same story: using beans to work out the capacity of 4 containers, measuring and cutting beanstalks to a certain length, using 3d shapes to build the giant's castle, and adding totals in multiples of 10p to buy fruit for the characters. We will also be reviewing counting in 2's, 10's and 5's.

Year 1/2

This week in our maths lessons, we will be looking at word problems and reasoning problems. Year 1 children will be focusing on addition and subtraction problems, whereas Year 2 will be working on all four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Towards the end of the week Year 2 will be looking and revising how to estimate answers to calculations and Year 1 children will be looking at how to add multiples of 10 and near 10 (9 and 11) to a two-digit number e.g. 63 + 9 =


This week we will be spending the week looking at a poem written by Edward Lear, called The Jumblies. We will be learning to recite the first verse of this poem, with the help of a story map. We will also be using our imagination to create drawings of a ‘Jumblie’ and writing a character description. We will move on to planning and writing our own, alternative verse of this poem. Year 2 children will also be introduced to similes to make our descriptions much more interesting e.g. The Jumblies have hands that are as blue as the deep blue sea. They have heads that are as green as the leaves on the trees.

Year 2

The children will be learning to rehearse and recite two poems by Edward Lear. They will be using the owl and the pussy cat and the Jumblies. The children will be learning about what they are about, writing out their stories and also will be writing another verse to the owl and the pussy cat.

We will be having a word problem week. This week we will be solving word problems with all four rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

The children will have to:

Read the question

Find the maths

Calculate the Maths.

Check the question.

The children will also be practising adding 9, 19 and other numbers with 9 in the ones.


The children will be reviewing healthy eating and creating a healthy plate of food that is good for them.

The children will also be finding out about evaporation. The children will understand what evaporation is by watching a hair dryer dry up water. They will be wondering where all the puddles go?


This week in our geography lessons, we will be looking at Scotland and learning to recognise Scotland as one of the four countries of the UK. We will be finding out about the myth of the Loch Ness monster and writing a newspaper report about a sighting!

Best wishes

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Miss Birchall
Mrs Pinto Edwards

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Monday 8th May

Welcome to our blog.

We hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather. Long may it last!


We are continuing with  HOLIDAYS AND HOLY DAYS.

We will be finishing off and will be thinking about the Pentecost. The children will be learning about the Holy Spirit and its special gifts. The children will be making a flame and writing about the Holy Spirit. The children will write a prayer asking the Holy Spirit for guidance.


The children had some more special homework to complete over weekend.  Please can you make sure this is sent back in this week. Thanks.


Please remember that the Year 1 have a phonics test in June and any Year 2 who didn’t achieve the expected level in Year 1 will resit in at the same time. The children have to read 32 words which include some alien words that are made up.


A few helpful sites.

and 10's and will be beginning to count in 3's.

Year 1


This week we will be completing reading and phonics activities and continue focusing on the use of ! We will also be using the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' to inspire a variety of writing and comprehension activities. We will be aiming to improve our story writing by focusing on only using the word 'and' once within a sentence as a joining word, but to use .But   .Then   .After that   .Also  .Finally.....


This week we will continue to develop adding and taking away 10 and 20 from a 2 digit number. We will also be multiplying 2 numbers and dividing multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10. Also we will be completing some measurement activities linked with' Jack and the Beanstalk'.

Year 1/2


This week in our English lessons, we will be focusing on aspects that we are missing out/not using correctly in our writing. This includes things like: full stops and capital letters and contractions (can’t, don’t etc.). We will also be doing some handwriting practise and looking at suffixes. Y2 will be focusing on -ment, -ful, -ness, -ly and writing a recipe for friendship using words with these suffixes.

E.g. You will need: A spoonful of kindness, a handful of enjoyment.

We will also be doing lots of phonics activities and reading, in preparation for the phonics screening check.

The new Y1 spelling lists will be given out next week for this half term and the dates that these will be tested will be clearly marked on the lists. Y2 children already have their spelling lists and will be tested on week 1 on Friday (12.5.17).


This week, we will be looking at our areas for development and going over things that we are not yet secure on. This will include division, missing number calculations and using the inverse to find the missing number, symmetry and shapes.

Year 2


The children will be concentrating on elements needed for their writing.

The children will practise writing contractions.

The children will be using but, because, if, that, when, so.

The children will be using the suffixes ment, ful and ly in their writing.


We will be learning and reviewing some of the things we need to show evidence in our Maths books.

The children will be dividing with and without remainders.

The children will be reviewing 2D and 3 D shape.

The children will be solving problems with the four rules of addition and subtraction etc


In our science lessons this week, we will be planting our sunflowers in the school grounds! They are growing very tall and will look very pretty in our school! We will be thinking about what a seed needs to grow and setting up an experiment with beans to investigate this.

We will be finding out about the life cycle of a frog and a caterpillar.


This half term, we will be looking at Florence Nightingale and how she was significant. We will be looking in to who she was, what she did and how she changed hospitals for the better.


We have been looking at the countries and capital cities of the UK. This week we will be focusing on Wales. We will be looking at the flag, location, the capital city and Welsh traditions.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Lockett

Mrs Pinto Edwards