Sunday, 26 February 2017

27th February

Welcome to our blog. We all hope you had a good break and are raring to go.

Please remember that we have three parent’s evenings this week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Class photographs on Thursday.

Dress up day for world book day on FRIDAY.


The children will receive homework again and will have a set of new spellings to learn.

The Year 2 spellings this term are based on Year 2 National Curriculum spelling ending and the common exception words that the Year 2 must use in their independent writing.

There will be a spelling test every week. A few children have not been learning the spellings and this could really help them in their writing if they do.

They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book.


The children need to read at home at least three times a week. The children need to be heard read even if they are a free reader. It really helps them if you can talk about the book and ask them why something is happening or how something is happening as well as about the story or information itself. We find that the children who read at home make more progress than those who do not.

The Year 2 have to read 90 words a minute with a familiar text.

Thank you for your support.


The children will be starting  a new topic MEALS. The children will be thinking about different types of meals and special meals. They will be thinking about where and when special meals take place.


A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield


This week we will be completing a reading comprehension along with other reading activities. We will also be writing a diary about our holidays and researching and writing facts about animals.

This week we will be consolidating addition and subtraction facts. This will start with doubles, pairs to 10 and near pairs to 10 and adding 2 and 3 digits in a variety of ways. We will also use pairs to 10 to add multiples of 10 to 100. Eg 2 + 8 = 10, so 20 + 80 =  100.

Year 1/2


This week we will be learning to write instructions. We will be thinking about what makes a good set of instructions and the features we need to include.

We will be writing instructions on how to make an Extravagant Sandwich, in addition to looking at instructions for making pancakes and jam sandwiches.

We will be learning about commands and imperative (bossy) verbs. We will also complete a reading comprehension and guided reading activities.

This week we will be looking at addition and subtraction. Year 2 will be looking at how addition can be done in any order but subtraction cannot. We will move in to solving lots of addition and subtraction problems to help develop our knowledge and fluency.

Year 1 will be revising their number bonds and practising adding and subtracting numbers in lots of different ways.

Year 2 English

This week we will be learning all about traditional tales again.

We will be reviewing what we need in a traditional tale. We will be thinking about good and bad characters.

We will be reviewing different types of sentences, noun phrases and time connectives.

We will be introducing speech marks too.

Year 2 Maths

This week we will be learning about telling the time.

We will be reviewing telling the time.

Year 2 need to tell the time to the nearest five minutes.

The children need to know time facts off by heart such as 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day etc.

The children will be completing a timetables test and mental maths test too.


This week we will be starting our new topic ‘How are we all different?’ which has a science focus, linking to the National Curriculum topic ‘Animals, including Humans’.

We will start the topic by looking at how we grow and change as we get older. We will complete an investigation to find out if we become ‘faster’ at completing things such as writing our numbers, as we get older.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett
Miss Dugdale

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Monday 13th February

Welcome to our blog.


The children received homework again and have a set of new spellings to learn. We are currently on week 6 and Year 1 have been sent some different spellings.

There will be a spelling test every week. A few children have not been learning the spellings and this could really help them in their writing if they do.

They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book. Year 2 have my maths on line too and the passwords were sent out again last week.


The children need to read at home at least three times a week. The children need to be heard read even if they are a free reader. It really helps them if you can talk about the book and ask them why something is happening or how something is happening as well as about the story or information itself. We find that the children who read at home make more progress than those who do not. Thank you for your support.


The children will be finishing with the  topic called SPECIAL PEOPLE. The children will be writing about their trip to church and will be writing about all the different special people in the church.


A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield


This week we will be completing a reading comprehension and writing a story linked with our topic about animals. We will also be completing lots of other reading and phonics activities and updating individual phonics assessments.


This week we will be linking our knowledge of halving numbers with the opposite operation of doubling. We will also be consolidating our knowledge of number pairs to 10 and 20 by completing missing number activities involving additions and subtractions.

Year 1/2


We will be reading over and peer assessing the story we wrote last week ‘Goldilocks in my classroom!’. We will be learning to evaluate our own writing and identify how we can improve next time.

We will be revisiting apostrophes for contraction e.g. don’t, wont, couldn’t and learning about how apostrophes are also used for possession. Children will also complete a guided reading session and a reading comprehension.


Children will be working on ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ from any given number to 100 during mental starters. We will be playing lots of fun, interactive games.

Children will also be introduced this week, to statistics and making graphs and tables to record data. Children will be conducting their own surveys in class and presenting the information in a bar chart and a pictogram. By the end of the week, children will be able to write and answer questions about a set of data.

Year 2 English

This week we will be learning all about instructions.

We will be thinking about how to make toast and jam sandwiches.

We will also be reviewing capital letters for people, places and things in sentences.

The children will also be completing a comprehension and playing spell well to learn the exception words.

Year 2 Maths

This week we will be continuing to learn about money.

We will be calculating change.

We will be moving onto data handling and learning about pictograms, tally charts and bar charts. The children will be collecting and representing data.

Every week we do at timetables test either on x2, x 5 and x10. Some children have moved onto division too. The children will be completing a mental maths test too.


This week in our last Topic lesson on ‘Carnival of the Animals’, we will be looking at how animals are classified into the following groups: mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects, fish. We will be sorting the animals into groups and thinking about the features of these groups. We will also be looking at animal habitats.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Mrs Pinto Edwards

Miss Birchall

Mrs Lockett

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Monday 6th February

Welcome to our blog.


The children received homework again and have a set of new spellings to learn.

There will be a spelling test every week. A few children have not been learning the spellings and this could really help them in their writing if they do.

They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book. Year 2 have my maths on line too and the passwords were sent out again last week.


The children need to read at home at least three times a week. The children need to be heard read even if they are a free reader. It really helps them if you can talk about the book and ask them why something is happening or how something is happening as well as about the story or information itself. We find that the children who read at home make more progress than those who do not. Thank you for your support.


The children will be continuing with the  topic called SPECIAL PEOPLE. The children will thinking about the qualities that special people have. They will be thinking about Jesus as a special person and some of the Bible stories. The children will be writing a prayer about special people.

This Tuesday we are going up to church in the afternoon to have a look at the inside of a church. Please return letters with permission slip and if you are available to walk up with us. Thank you.


A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield


This week we will be completing a reading comprehension and other reading activities. We will also continue to focus on adding ed onto the end of past tense verbs. Also we will be exploring facts about elephants and writing a simple report about them, linking with our topic 'The Carnival of the Animals.' 


We will be focusing on fractions of shapes -1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 and also of even numbers. We will learn that halving and doubling are the opposite of each other.

Year 1/2

This week we will continuing with our work on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We will recap the story and practise retelling it to each other. We will be looking at how inverted commas/speech marks are used and we will be working towards planning and writing our own version of the story later in the week, using a story mountain style plan. 

Children will also complete a reading comprehension.


We will continue to look at money, as most children struggled with this last week. Year 1 children will have more practise at recognising the coins and then working towards adding up the totals of coins. Year 2 children will be combining £ and P to count and make totals, as well as moving on to solve word problem style questions. Please encourage your child to look at the different coins at home or when out shopping and help them to understand that there is more than one way to make certain values. 

Year 2 English

This week we will be learning all about writing letters. We will also be reviewing commas in a list in sentences. The children will also be completing a comprehension and playing spell well to learn the common exception words.

Year 2 Maths

This week we will be learning all about money. We will be learning and remembering that there are a hundred pennies in a pound. We will recognising coins, counting totals and calculating change given too.

Every week we do at timetables test either on x2, x 5 and x10. Some children have moved onto division too. The children will be completing a mental maths test too.


In our topic work this week, we will be looking again at ocean animals and how they are adapted to their surroundings. We will be looking at different parts of their bodies such as gills, fins etc. and children will be able to start explaining how they are suited to their surroundings. We will also be looking at classifying animals and learning about the different animal groups, such as mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Mrs Pinto Edwards

Miss Birchall

Mrs Lockett