Sunday, 10 May 2015

Weekly update 11th May

This week the Year 2s are continuing with their SATs Tests. We are very proud of all of our children and are impressed on such a positive attitude to learning.

What are we learning this week?


This week the children are learning about the beginning, middle and end of a story and using this skill to write a recount. The children have had lots of practice writing connectives and adjectives and will be encouraged to include these in their writing. The children will be proof reading their work to check they have the correct punctuation and spelling. The children are then looking at speech from the story and using talking partners, creating their own dialogue. The children will learn how to write this dialogue using inverted commas, new speaker, new line and writing who said the speech and how it was said. 
The children will also be completing a reading comprehension and Grammar activities about silent letters and questions.

Can your child think of any words with silent letters in them? What words do the children start with when asking a question?  

Have a go at some fun online literacy games at home.


This week will be an assessment week for all children. We will be using areas that we have already covered such as, addition, subtraction, multiplication and money to solve multi step word problems. Please see previous entries for relevant websites.

Come and See

This week we are continuing the topic “Holidays and Holydays.” We will be exploring that holidays are days to be happy and that they are different from other days. 
We will talk about Ascension day and what Jesus promised to send.
Key questions asked:
* Which holy days can you think of?
* What happens on those days?
* Which of them were also holidays?
* How did you celebrate them?
The children will retell the story of the Pentecost using appropriate language.
The children will create a stained glass window on a template in the shape of a dove.

Have a great week
Year 1/2 Team

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