Sunday, 31 January 2016

Monday 1st February

Welcome to the blog. The children participated and led in an excellent collective worship with Bishop Tom who visited our school last week.
 Trip to church.
On Tuesday morning just before playtime we will be walking up to church to spend some time finding out about what books there are there. We will need lots of people to walk up with us. The children will need a waterproof coat and they will need a snack that they can eat on the way.
Homework was sent out again last week. This week we will continue to learn the TWO, FIVE AND TEN times table. The children are getting used to being tested on their tables each week.
My Maths is on line too in Year 2
This week we will be continuing our topic on books. We will learn how special books are and the types of books we have at church.
We are visiting church on Tuesday to find out more about books at church.  We will be making our own prayers thanking God for books.
Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds.
This week we are concentrating on ou and ea. 
Maths Year 2
The children will be working on place value and have to recognise how many tens there are, how many hundreds there are, how many ones there are.
The children will be ordering numbers with two and three digits.
We will also be reading and writing numbers up to one hundred. This is why learning how to spell the numbers is really important.
 We have started a weekly mental maths test. The children have 10 seconds to answer each question. They are trying very hard and we have been pleased with the effort the children are putting in.
 Please keep practising the 2’s 5’s and 10 times tables. This week we will be testing the ALL THE TIMESTABLES we have covered so far.
Year 2 English
This week we will be learning about silent letters in words and the use of the homophones there/they’re and their. We will also be reading Charlotte’s web. We will be doing some extended writing on the start of the book and what has happened to Wilbur the pig so far.
We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.
We will be starting to assess the children this week on phonics and book bands.
Year 1 / 2
We will be continuing to focus on the skills based around grammar, nouns phases reading comprehension and extending the children’s writing. Our Grammar focus will be focusing on recognising adjectives in a sentence?
We will be talking about the steps to success.
Steps to success
  1. Read the sentence – what is being described? This is the noun.
  2. How is the noun being described?  This is the adjective.
  3. Capital letters.
  4.  Full stops.
We will also be playing a game called “Noun Adjectives”. The children will have a set of cut up nouns and adjectives. The children will work in group to find the noun and in their group the next person will decide whether their adjective fits the noun.
Once each group have decided on their adjective and noun groups. We will work together to look at word order and vote on which they think sounds the best.
The children will be working on the fabulous book “Stick Man.” We will be looking at the main events in the book.
Hot Seat with questions for the Stick an”
During Hot seating- The children will take on the role of “Stick Man” and talk about the adventure they have been on, what happened first, what happened next, what happened last?
The children are going to role play the story and we will come together and use puppets to talk the story out. We will use a small world background and the children can follow the story through to the end.
The children writing task is that they are going to write a postcard from Stick Man to his Stick Lady and children telling them all about his adventure.
We have placed a sticker in the diaries to ask the children to bring in postcards from home so that we can look at main features of a postcard.
We will be starting to assess the children this week on phonics and book bands.
We will be introducing the division sign this week.
Children will work practically with equipment sharing objects one to one.
Use multilink.

12 cakes are shared equally between 3 people.

Discuss how adding the ones first gives the same answer as adding the tens first. Refine over time to adding the ones digits first consistently.
Demonstrate using blocks to show this with other examples.

We will explain about the division sign. We will continue to talk  about vocabulary linked to division.
Year 1
This week the children will be practising again their number bonds to ten and 20. The children will be reading numbers and writing them down.
This week in English we are still focusing on verbs and nouns. We will also be continuing to read contracted words with an apostrophe, by searching for  them in our reading and library books. We will be improving our spelling of high frequency words by playing games and using improvement time to practise individual spellings. We will be starting to assess the children this week on phonics and book bands.
Every day materials
During Spring term 1 the children in year 1 and 2 will be learning about ‘Everyday Materials’.  This topic lends itself to a lot of work in science where children will learn about everyday materials including wood, plastic, metal, water and rock.
This week the children will perform simple tests to find out which material would be suitable to make and umbrella from.  The will use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions about different materials. The children will record their prediction, what they did and their results.
They will be introduced to new words such as: predict, record and results.
Have a good week everyone,
The 1 / 2 team.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.