Welcome to our blog and to a very busy half term.
We will start practising our Christmas play songs and auditioning
the children for their parts in the play. I am sure you will hear lots of the
songs being hummed every day.
We sent out homework and it is essential and most helpful if this is sent back in on a Monday morning please unless we don't have time to mark it if it comes in too late.
A new set of spelling will be given out at the end of the week for homework. The spellings are tested every week.
Year 2 puppet pictures to learn the story last week of Pinnochio.
Year 1 pictures
Come and see pictures of the children re-enacting the story of Jesus and the children.
The children will be continuing with the topic BELONGING. The children will be thinking again about different things that they belong to. They will be designing a class badge and thinking about how they feel about belonging to a group. They will be learning about Baptism and how this sacrament welcomes us into God’s family. The children will be listening to Bible stories about Jesus and learning how Jesus welcomes everyone.
few helpful sites.http://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/PlanetaryPlurals.html
English Blog for Year 1
/ 2
This week we will be looking again at expanded noun phrases to
describe, building on the work that we started on this before half term. Year
1s will be using basic adjectives and noun phrases to describe fireworks! Year
2 will be describing a range of nouns such as cars, trees, houses with expanded
noun phrases, for example: The tall, slim trees that are deep in the forest.Grammar
Can I use a noun phrase? Can I use an expanded noun phrase?
We will be discussing the definition of a noun. We can make our nouns more exciting by describing them using adjectives. When we use adjectives to describe for example ‘the blue, stripy butterfly’ we are creating expanded noun phrases. The children will also be practising their common exception words.
We will also be starting to develop our reading comprehension skills. Year 1 will be reading and understanding instructions on how to complete a picture. Year 2 will be reading a short text and answering questions related to what they have read.
The Gunpowder Plot and Firework Poetry
children will be learning about the Gunpowder plot. They will be sequencing the
story and talking about the events that happened.
the end of the week the children will be reciting the poem below and generating
ideas to write their own poetry.
huge firework
rather dull and blue.Then it went WHOOSH
And how the sparks flew!
Red and green and gold stars
Falling through the sky.
Ending with a great big bang
And then a little ss-sigh.
Maths 1 / 2
This week Year 1 will be continuing looking at addition and subtraction. We will be recapping the number bonds to 10 that we looked at before half term and using related facts to work out and learn number bonds to 20.
Year 2 will be adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers to 100 using knowledge of number bonds to 20 and 100 that we have worked on before the half term. Later in the week we will be looking at some problem solving using addition
and subtraction.
Mrs Sarsfield Year 1
MathsThis week in Maths we will be measuring and comparing length and weight practically using a variety of classroom objects. We will be using the correct vocabulary to compare and measure.
This week we will be learning about compound words, two words that come together to make a new word eg playground, sunshine. We will also be completing writing about Autumn, as well as improving handwriting and high frequency words.
Year 2 English
This week the children will be learning to use time phrases in their independent writing.
Two hours later
That afternoon
At the last stroke of midnight
Also this week the children will complete a comprehension and practise their handwriting.
We will be learning about the story of Burglar Bill and will be doing lots of talk for writing activities. Finally on Friday the children will be completing a warm task on this and writing the story.
Year 2 Maths
This week we will be learning about multiplication and division. The children will be recalling multiplication and division facts for the x2, x 5 and x 10 tables.
Very week we will be testing the children’s timetables and competing a mental Maths test too.
We are starting off learning the x 2 and x 5 timetables. The children will complete a 100 questions.
week our topic work will have a science focus. Throughout the year we will be
looking at seasonal change, starting this week with Autumn. We will be looking
at animals and how they hibernate, how the trees and leaves change, typical
autumn weather, food that is harvested in autumn and celebrations that take
place in autumn such as bonfire night. http://www.topmarks.co.uk/autumn/what-is-autumn
Best wishes
Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett