Sunday, 8 January 2017

Monday 9th January

Welcome to our blog.
The children received homework and have a sheet of spellings to learn.
There will be a spelling test every week. They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book.

We are off to the Brindley theatre on Thursday morning. There will be AN EARLY REGISTRATION at 8.30am. The gates will open at quarter past. Please spread the word.

Parent helpers
We really need parents or grandparents to come in and help us especially with reading. Ig you are available in the mornings all except Monday for half an hour please let us know. We would love to hear from

The children will be starting a new topic called SPECIAL PEOPLE. The children will be thinking about special people in their families and in the community. They will be thinking about special things that we do with special people too.

A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield
This week we will continue to learn to tell the time- o'clock and half past in analogue and digital formats. We will also be learning to order and spell the months of the year, and review the names of all the 2d and 3d shapes.

In English we continue to develop reading and phonic skills. We will develop the use of capital letters, full stops and leaving spaces in between words. We will also be writing about our trip to the pantomime, using capital letters, full stops, spaces and some connectives- and, also.

Year 1/2 English
This week we will be looking at sentences and how we can extend our sentences. Year 2 will be looking at joining sentences using ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’ to improve our writing. These are called co-ordinating conjunctions! Year 1 children will be joining sentences using ‘and’.
Year 2 children will also complete a reading comprehension activity on Winter Weather. 
The children will be introduced to the topic of Polar Bears. They will watch a video clip from the National Geographic to look at the main features. 

We will discuss the facts and how interesting they are.
Towards the end of the week the children will be looking at these key questions about polar bears.
* What colours are they? 
* Describe what a polar bear looks like: 
* Which county do polar bears live in? 
* Where do polar bears live? 
* What do polar bears eat?
* Where do polar bears find their food?

This week children will be focusing on multiplication and division. 
Year 1 children will be using concrete objects such as counters to solve multiplication problems and will practically be able to show ‘two lots of’ then ‘three lots of’, etc. Later in the week we will move on to division and link the term ‘sharing’ with division. 
Year 2 children will be recapping counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and looking at the X sign and how it represents multiplication. Children will be looking at how to write ‘5 lots of 3’ as a multiplication sum. Later in the week we will be doing the same with division, before moving on to solving simple, one-step problems.
Year 2 English

This week we will be getting back to normal and we will be reviewing past and present tense.
We will be completing a reading comprehension too.

This week we will definitely starting to read the story of the hare and the tortoise. The children will learn the story briefly and complete a cold task by writing it out. On Friday they will write down a hot task when they have learnt the story off by heart and completed lots of speaking and listening activities.

This week we will be completing some more work on fractions. We will be reviewing fractions of shapes. Then will be counting up to ten in fractions. By the end of the week we will be finding fractions of numbers. We will be moving onto subtraction again using number lines too. Every Friday we will be having a timetables test and will be completing a speed arithmetic test as well as a mental maths test.

This week we will be looking at seasonal change and what happens in Winter. We will be thinking about the seasons and how winter is different to Autumn. We will be thinking about the activities might we like to do in winter and the different celebrations in winter. 

We will also be introducing out new topic for the half term which is based on the piece of music ‘Carnival of the Animals’ by Camille Saint-Seans. This week we will be listening to the piece of music, before starting work on the new topic next week.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett

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