Sunday, 30 November 2014

Weekly update 1st December 2014


Welcome to another busy week. The children have been very  busy this week with their final rehearsals of the Christmas play “The Very Hopeless Camel”. They are really enjoying the songs and you might know most of the tunes yourself by now! The children are excited about performing their play to everybody and we hope that you all join in with the singing.


If there are any costumes that have not been handed in yet please have them in on Monday morning at the very latest as we have our dress rehearsal in front of the school and local nurseries on Monday afternoon.


This week we will be revisiting the concepts taught over this half term ready for assessment week next week.


Next week the children will be having a numeracy test which will test all of the areas covered so far in this half term so this week we will be have a revision week to revisit some of the topics that we have covered so far this term.


 Below is a list of some of the topics that the children will be tested on:


·       Use every day language to describe 2D and 3D shapes – what the shape are called and how many sides and corners shapes have.


·       Odds and evens – can they identify odds and evens numbers up to 100.


·       Counting reliably up to 30 and above.


·       Reading and writing numbers up to 100.


·       Understanding the operation of + and – and use related vocabulary.


·       To know pairs to 10 and build up to pairs to 100.


·       To recognise coins and their values – to be able to add up amounts and find totals.


·       To read the time to the hour/half hour on an analogue clock.


·       Start to recognise multiples of 2,5 and 10.



In English this week we are reading ‘The Nativity Story.’ The children will learn about the birth of Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas. We will sequence the story and be writing about the main events. The children will also be making their own nativity scene and retelling the story in small groups using their drama skills. This is a lovely time of year and the children will enjoy learning all about this special time.

Talk to your child about the nativity story and encourage them to think of the order of the story. What were the main events of the story?

Have a go at some fun online literacy games.


This week the children will learn about home life during WW1.  We will be looking at photography in detail and discussing what we can see, how the mothers may be feeling, what the children may be doing and what kind of jobs needed to be done around the house.  The children will use their observation skills to make inferences about the past.

We will also discover the differences between the rich and the poor families during WW1 and how significantly their lives differed.

Interesting fact – did you know that before WW1 began, women often worked as servants and cleaners. Once a woman married she was expected to give up work and to become a housewife. Her role was to look after the children and to cook and clean the family home. However, as men left to fight in the war, women had to take on jobs outside the home. Many women went to work in munitions factories making explosive 'shells' for big guns. Others went to work on farms in the countryside as Land Girls or in hospitals as nurses. As the war went on, women took on more and more men's jobs.




Come and See

This week we begin our final topic of 2014 with the subject of Waiting. This topic covers the theme of Advent and what we need to do to prepare for the coming of Jesus on Christmas Day.


Thank you for your continued support- and have a great week!

The Key Stage 1 team.


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