Sunday, 23 November 2014

Weekly update 24th November 2014


Hello and welcome to another busy week in school.


The children have been working really hard over the past week to practice their Christmas Play and an equal amount of effort will be put in over the coming week!! You are all in for a great treat when you come to see it!

Please could you send in costumes on THURSDAY 27th NOVEMBER so that we can check that the children have everything they need for the dress rehearsal on Monday. Please could you put them in a bag with the child’s name on. Thank you.

It’s nearly time for the Christmas Party and letters will be going out asking for money to provide the goodies for the party. Please could you check in your child’s bag.

Also the weather is getting chilly so please could you make sure that the children have a warm coat, gloves and hat as we will still be going outside at playtime for fresh air and exercise.

This Thursday 27th is also the Key Stage 1 disco from 6 – 7:30pm.



The children will be continuing with money and its values.


 Year1’s will be recognising coins of different values; order coins according to their value and exchanging coins for 10p and 1p coins; find totals of sets of coins.


 Year 2’s will be finding totals of sets of coins: relate to adding three or more numbers and paying an exact sum using smaller coins up to £2.


 Please practise playing shops at home as money can be a difficult concept for children to understand. The best way to learn and develop skills with money is to go shopping and use real life experiences to help your child to grasp this concept fully.


 Some websites to help:-













This week we will be continuing to look at non-fiction books and focusing on researching an animal. The children will become ‘experts’ on their chosen animal in order to design and write their own mini non-fiction book or report. The research can begin at home prior to the lessons in school.

Have a go at some fun online literacy games.



This week the children will learn about school life during WW1.  We will be looking at photography in detail and discussing what we can see, how the children may be feeling, what they might be learning, how the teacher might be feeling, we will look at the children’s clothing and so on.  The children will use their observation skills to make inferences about the past.

We will also learn about the different type of school rules and how strict the teachers and headmasters were. A short video clip will help the children to gain a better understanding of school life during WW1:

Interesting fact – did you know that if children were lazy or rude or broke school rules, the teacher might hit them on the hand with a wooden cane. In Scotland and in parts of northern England, teachers used a leather strap called a 'tawse' instead.  The cane and tawse were finally banned in most schools in 1986, but it took until 1998 for every private, fee-paying school to stop using them.



Thank you for your continued support- and have a great week!

The Key Stage 1 team.


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