Sunday, 29 March 2015

Weekly Update 30th March


Although it is the end of term, we still have a whole host of activities this week. On Monday afternoon, we will be hosting our Egg Rolling Competition. Please make sure that your eggs are hard boiled before decorated, it can get very messy in the hall if not. If possible can eggs for the competition be sent in a named box, to keep them safe before they are rolled!

We are all looking forward to the Easter Bonnet Parade on Wednesday afternoon, it is a pleasure to see how much work the children put into their bonnets and how proud they are of them.

This week we will be focusing much of our activities to the Easter Story.

We will also be finishing off assessments. Your child should come home this week with the outcome of their phonics check in school. The sounds highlighted are the sounds your child will be working on in school in daily phonic activities. We would be grateful if children could continue to practice these sounds at home as well.

Here are some websites to reinforce phonic awareness:

Phase 2:
Phase 3:
Phase 4:
Phase 5:

Have a lovely Easter Break

Take Care
Year 1/2 Team

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