Well, last week was a
fantastic reading inspired week! On Thursday we were so impressed with the
fantastic costumes that the children wore and enjoyed watching them all parade
in the morning. Thank you all so much for the time and effort that went into
making the children look fantastic!
This week we welcome Mrs Marsh back to school after her
maternity leave. She will be taking over in Mrs Malone’s class after her sad
departure last week to pastures new in Liverpool. We wish them both well as
they start new adventures.
Monday 9th sees the photographer in school. He will
be taking class photographs so please remind the children to stay neat and
tidy- or at least until they have had their photo taken!
This week in Numeracy we will be continuing to look at multiplication as
‘lots of’ and introducing the × sign to the children. We will also be beginning
to look at division by grouping objects, for example we will be asking if we
have 60p, how many 10p coins will we need to make this.
We will be concentrating on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables so if you can
help your children practise these that would be great! Some of the Year 2
children may be ready to start working on the 3’s and 4’s if they are confident
with these. The children will continue to sing along with Percy Parker to help
them learn their tables!
Year 1 children will count on and back in 1s or 10s and say the number
that is 1 or 10 more or less up to 100.
They will also add two multiples of 10 by counting on in 10s.
Year 2 children will count on in 2s, 5s or 10s; recognise odd and even
numbers; and understand multiplication
as ‘lots of’ and use the × sign.
They will also begin to understand division as grouping.
Websites to help
This week the children will be continuing writing their
stories that will be entered into a creative writing competition. We will be
focusing on descriptive language, connectives and punctuation. We will then be
looking at what a ‘suffix’ is and recognising that it goes at the end of a word
to change the meaning. We will have lots of practice through games, matching
cards and writing activities.
Ask your child what happens to a word when ‘ing’ is added?
Does it change the meaning? For example – run – running.
Have a go at some fun online literacy games at home.
week the children will be learning all about caring for pets. We will be discussing what kind of animals
people keep for pets and which animals are not suitable to be kept at
home. They will learn about the five
freedoms that the RSPCA hope all owners will give to their pets.
children will also learn the difference between a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. They will be learning to classify animals
according to their diet and using a Venn diagram to display their findings.
Interesting fact – did you know that the largest
carnivore is the brown bear.
Come and
The children will be continuing with the theme “Meals”. They
will be Reveal the story of Jesus’s special meal. The will discuss the story
The children will discuss the following questions:
Why this was called the Last Supper?
What did Jesus do?
What did he say?
When did Jesus share this special meal?
What food and drink did Jesus and his friends share?
How do you think his friends felt?
What did Jesus ask them do?
How do the friends of Jesus do what he asked today?
During Mass who does what Jesus did at the Last Supper?
Why do you think the bell is rung?
The children will discuss our special prayer “The Our Father”
and talk about the meaning of the words in the prayer. The children will
illustrate the prayer with some pictures.
We will read the Story Gary and his family going to Communion.
We will talk about the following questions:
Who received communion?
Why didn’t Gary receive Holy Communion?
Why do you think Gary is looking forward to his First Holy Communion?
What would you like to ask children who have made their
First Holy Communion?
We hope you have a great week!
The Key Stage 1 team.
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