This week we are continuing with our work on Julia Donaldson. The children will be looking at a variety of Julia Donaldson books and hot seating different characters.
We have many Julia Donaldson books in school but if the children have their own Julia Donaldson books that they would like to share, they can bring them into school. (Please have them labelled with your child's name on it)
We will be looking at the different viewpoints of each character to say why the character has behaved the way it has.
This week in Maths we will be continuing
to learn about addition and subtraction with a focus on problem solving.
Year 1 children will be learning to add
two 'teens' numbers, not crossing a multiple of 10; subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit
number by counting back and subtract
one multiple of 10 from another.
Year 2 children will be learning to add a 1-digit number to a
2-digit number; add two 2-digit numbers
and subtract one 2-digit number from another.
Some websites to help:-
This week we will start our
new topic for this half-term called ‘Recycling’.
It is a really interesting
topic that largely focuses on science.
So your children will hopefully be coming home with lots of interesting
facts to tell you about materials and their properties!
In the first lesson the
children will be discussing what we mean by ‘materials’ and why this term is
often confused with ‘fabric’. We will
learn to categorise what materials objects are made from (wood, glass, metal, fabric,
plastic). They will also start to
describe the properties of given materials for example, hard, soft, opaque,
transparent and so on.
The children will be challenged to think why certain
objects are made out of particular materials e.g. a chair is made out of
plastic because plastic is strong. Would
a chair made out of jelly be fit for purpose?!
Why are wellington boots not made from tissue paper? The children have to give justifications for
their answers.
Interesting fact – did you
know that recycling one glass bottle or
jar saves enough energy to power your computer for 20 minutes? Glass can be recycled again and again –
containers made from recycled glass are of the same high quality as those made
from new raw materials.
Come and See
This week we
are continuing the topic “Being Sorry.” We will be exploring choices. Sometimes we
choose well and sometimes wrongly.
We will also
be revealing that God helps us to choose well and to be sorry. God forgives us.
Read the Presentation for
Isaiah 58 9-11.
Key questions asked:
is God’s promise?
people feel when they hear Isaiah’s words?
What kind things
does Isaiah suggest that we do?
Can you think of
any other kind things to do?
What would the
world be like if everyone followed Isaiah’s advice?
Activities the children will work on:
With the text of
God’s Story 2 pages 48-49 displayed on the IWB, highlight the words the
children think are most important and ask them to give reasons why.
Ask the children
to choose one of these ideas and make a promise card, explaining in words or
pictures how they will act on this promise
On a drawing of
a large candle ask the children to write words that will show how they can be
kind and ‘be a light that shines in the dark’.
worksheets for-
- consonant and vowel recognition,
- initial consonant sounds,
- beginning and end blends,
- consonant diagraphs,
- silent letters,
- long vowel sounds,
- Phase 3 and 5 sounds.
a good selection of resources including worksheets and some interactive games. Covers-
- Phase 3 and 5 sounds
- Phase 6 work such as prefixes and suffixes, plurals and tense worksheets.
- extensive list of long vowel worksheets and games such as hangman.
Has and Letters and Sounds section that covers all the phonic phases and the tricky words, 100/200 common words.
Lots of letter fans, mats, display ideas and games that follow ideas in Letters and Sounds phases.
Under word level section of literacy, a good selection of worksheets and powerpoints. Covers-
- Early phonics and alphabet work.
- Phase 6 work (plurals, tenses, prefixes/suffixes etc)
- some phase 3/4/5 sounds.
American site, simple worksheets mostly CVC and initial sounds.
mix of very good interactive games and worksheets covering most phonic phases. Recommend Sandcastle quiz for phase 3 and 5.
a very good selection of interactive games focussing on phonics and sentence construction. Each is split into medium/hard/really hard and are short and fun.
a great selection of games that link well with games in Letters and Sounds.
a selection of interactive games for all phonic phases. Mostly simple games.
interactive games for a range of sounds. Each has a couple interactive games and a clever LCWC game.
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