Saturday, 27 June 2015

Weekly Update 29.06.15


We have completed our work about Julia Donaldson. The children have loved reading her books and wrote their own books reviews about their favourite book.

Over the next fortnight we will be focussing on Songs and Repetitive Poems.  Share A Sailor went to Sea, Move It, This is the Alligator and Pirate Ship. We will be reading  each poem aloud to the children encouraging them to join in.  We will be discussing what makes a good performance of a poem, highlighting intonation and expression.  Model reading a poem in a monotone voice, then using expression.  We will be asking the children to say which performance they prefer and why?


This week in Maths we will be learning about time. We will be learning the analogue time and digital time.

The Year 1 children will learning to  read the time to the hour and half hour on analogue clocks. They will a Begin to use units to measure time: minutes
The Year 2 will be using units of time: hours, minutes, seconds and starting to read the time to the quarter hour on analogue and digital clocks.

Some websites to help:-





Come and See

 We will starting a new topic called “Neighbours” which is a CAFOD based topic.

We will be introducing the  topic by seating children in a circle. Round the circle, children take turns to answer the question “Who is your neighbour?”

Have individual class photos in a basket in the middle of a circle, or at the front of the class. Put some quiet music on. One by one, children select a photograph without looking at the image. Next, encourage the children to look at their photo and think about how that person is a neighbour to them. When all children have taken a photo, invite them to share their ideas. You could also look at some pictures from the Picture My World website (

Tell Marie-Doriannes story (powerpoint available at

Some key questions:

 Where does Marie-Dorianne live?

 How old is she

How is Marie-Dorianne like you?
 Marie-Dorianne is not your next door neighbour; she isnt a neighbour in your class; she isnt a neighbour in your school. Why do you think Marie-Dorianne is your neighbour?
 CAFOD helps our neighbours around the world, particularly those who are poor. How has CAFOD helped Marie-Doriannes family?
Children write/copy the name of someone they call their neighbour on a template of a person. Then make the template look like that person. Later, these figures may be displayed joining hands around a large world. Title your display „Neighbours Around Our World.
 Children use the photograph of their classmate and write about how their classmate is a neighbour to them.
For example:
Daniel is my neighbour because he takes care of me on the playground.
Sophie is my neighbour because she plays with me in the role play area.
Video two children saying how they are neighbours to each other.
 Marie-Doriane differentiated worksheet (see
The children will experience 2 transition days in the next year group on Thursday and Friday. We are sure the children will have a great time.
Have a wonderful week.
Year 1/2 Team

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