Sunday, 27 September 2015

Monday 28th September

Welcome to this week’s blog.
Well done to the children who handed their homework in last week. It went out again last Thursday and is due back on Monday. My Maths homework is on line and the children have their own individual login details.


This week the children will be making up a class psalm to do with the beginning of the day and also the beautiful things in God’s world. The children will also be thinking about words that can linked to how God wants us to behave.

 Maths Year 2
Year 2 will continue to  review different numbers bonds.
The children will be adding and subtracting number bonds to 20.
The children will be learning how to partition numbers.
The children will be moving onto adding one and two digit numbers moving bridging 10.

Also the children will be doing  a timetables test on a Friday. We will start with the 2, 3 and 5 timetables.

Maths Year 1
The children will be concentrating on their number bonds to 10 and 20.

The children will be  also making totals of numbers.
What makes 8?
What makes 5?
What makes 10?

The children will continue  to read traditional tales. The children will be reading ‘The little red hen’ and be completing lots of exciting activities related to this. They will be writing a letter of apology from the hen to the other animals, they will be designing their own farm, they will be retelling and sequencing the story.

This week we will revisiting and reviewing graphemes ai, ee, th and ng. We will be also be reviewing phonemes and digraphs. Ask your child what a digraph is! The children will be singing an alphabet song. The children will say, write it sound it with all the activities. They will write down words with the phonemes in and play games related to all the learning.

This week the children will be learning all about what animals need to survive.  We will be talking about pets they have or pets friends or relatives have and what kind of care they need.  The children will watch various RSPCA clips that encourage them to think about what animals need to survive.
This week’s lesson lends itself to some interactive group work and discussion giving the children an opportunity to present their findings to the rest of the class.
Interesting fact – did you know that goats are extremely social creatures and hate being alone. Although they are herd animals, they tend to make special friends within the herd, and if they ever get separated they will cry and scream all day long until they are reunited!

Have a great week everyone

The 1 / 2 team.


Sunday, 20 September 2015

Monday 21st September

Welcome to this week’s blog.


Last week the children received their sentences homework and spellings homework. They will have been asked to choose five or three of their spellings to write a sentence. They should now have their my Maths login details.


The children will be thinking about the start of the day and our morning prayer. They will be singing morning has broken and also be reading a psalm.

We praise you God

Each day the sun rises high in the sky to give us light and warmth.

Words are not needed to tell us how wonderful you are:

the silent message reaches everyone, everywhere

We are full of joy as each new day begins.


Maths Year 2
Year 2 will reviewing different numbers bonds.

What numbers make 8?
What number make 10?

What numbers make 6?

 The children will be moving onto number bonds and 20 and 100.

Also the children will be starting to do a timetables test on a Friday. We will start with the 2, 3 and 5 timetables.

Maths Year 1

The children will be concentrating on their number bonds to 10.

The children will continue  to read traditional tales. The children will be reading Dogger and whatever next. They will be thinking about the characters, plot and setting. The children will be concentrating on capital letters and full stops. They will be using different connectives to write sentences. The children will be planning and starting to write their own story.

This week we will revisiting and reviewing graphemes z, zz, qu and ch. We will be also be reviewing phonemes and digraphs. Ask your child what a digraph is! The children will be singing an alphabet song.

Moving on from the life cycle of a frog, this week the children will be studying the life cycle of a butterfly!  Introducing the topic through The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle the children be fascinated by the unique metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

Discussion will include where we can find butterfly eggs, caterpillars and cocoons.  The topic lends itself to some mathematics where symmetry will be discussed by looking at the patterns on butterflies wings.
The children will learn key scientific vocabulary and be able to talk about what happens in each stage of a butterflies’ development.

Interesting fact – did you know that butterflies can live in the adult stage from anywhere between a week and a year, depending on the species.

Have a great week everyone

The 1 / 2 team.


Sunday, 13 September 2015

Monday 14th September

Thank you to everybody that came to our Induction meeting. The children have now settled into their new classes and this week we will begin to set normal routines in place such as homework.

This week the children will receive a set of spellings to learn and these will be put in a sentence. The number of sentences will be explained in the child’s diary or homework book. The children will receive their homework on a Thursday and this will need to be back in on Monday please.
My Maths homework will be on line too by the end of the week and the children will have received their login details. 

Own clothes day
On Friday there will be an own clothes day and the children need to bring In a contribution for Harvest.

Maths Year 2
Year 2 will be counting objects up and beyond 100. The children will be making and reading numbers with two and three digits. The children will be adding multiples of 10 and 5 that make 100.

Also the children will be starting to do a timetables test on a Friday. We will start with the 2, 3 and 5 timetables.
Maths Year 1

The children will be counting to and back up to 20 and 30. They will also be practising counting to 100. The children will be ordering sets of numbers too.

The children will start to read traditional tales. This week we will be concentrating on ‘The tiger who came to tea,’ by Judith Kerr. The children will be thinking about the characters and what happens. They will also be planning and writing their own version of the story. The children will be concentrating on capital letters and full stops.

Year 1
The children will also be writing simple sentences with capital letters and full stops.

This week we will revisiting and reviewing sounds j, v, w and x. We will be also be reviewing phonemes.

Our second week of the new topic ‘Healthy Bodies’ starts with the children learning about the life cycle of a frog!  Discussion will focus on the stages frogs go through from frogspawn to being an adult frog and what they think frogs need to survive.

The children will learn key scientific vocabulary and be able to talk about what happens in each stage of a frogs development.

Interesting fact – did you know that frogs lay up to 4,000 eggs at one time!

Have a good week everyone

From the 1 / 2 team

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Monday 7th September

Welcome to our second blog. The children have settled in well to their new classes and were excited to see all their friends again. They loved the classrooms, fresh paint, new furniture in all three rooms and of course the new toilets!

Induction meeting
There will be an Induction meeting in Mrs Pinto Edward’s classroom at 3.15 pm on Wednesday. A crèche will be available. This will be an opportunity to meet the new team and learn important information about the Year ahead.

In English this week the children will be learning all about the story of creation in Genesis. They will be sequencing the story and creating a story board.

Year 2 will be creating their own story board using sentences and pictures.

Year 1 will be creating their story boards with the help of some pictures and others with the help of some writing too.

The children will also be reviewing the school's mission statement:

'To love and serve as Jesus shows us'

The children will also be thinking about all the new beginnings in school and in their life.
The children will be thinking and making up a set of class rules too.

There will be on going assessments this week on tricky words and  high frequency words and phonics. Each child will be assessed to find out where they are up to so we can move them on.


Year 1
Year 1 will be learning about and reviewing the days of the week and the months of the year. They will be sequencing the days and months of the year. They will be saying what the next day is and the next month is. They will be chanting the days of the week and the months of the year.

Year 2
Year 2 will review the days of the week and their sequence and spelling. The children will also be learning about hours in a day. The children will chant the months of the year and will know the month before and after a month. They will be unscrambling the names of the months and finding out the missing month in a sequence. The children will also review the seasons of the year too.

Health and Growth
The children will be starting their new topic for this half term. This week the children will be thinking about how they have changed and how babies change and grow up. The children will be learning about life cycles of a human.  

Have a good week everyone.

The 1 / 2 team