A letter went about the trip to the Bridgewater Hall to see a
performance of the Halle Orchestra. Please could all permission slips be in
school by Friday 23rd January. Thank you.
Also a sticker was put in your child’s diary containing a link
to the song that the children are learning to participate when we go to the
Bridgewater Hall. The song is called “Turn to Shine” and the lyrics and music
are available on the following link:-
This week the children will be learning about
number bonds for a range of numbers. The Year 1 children will know the addition
facts for pairs that total up to 8. The Year 2 children will rehearse addition
and subtraction facts for pairs that total up to 10. If
they are able to know the bonds to 10, then they will be able to easily
calculate the bonds to 100 or even 1000.
They will also be applying their knowledge to begin to add
three 1-digit numbers mentally
The children will be learning this number bond rhyme.
Number bonds to 10
1 and 9 are feeling fine
2 and 8 are never late
3 and 7 come from Devon
4 and 6 like to play tricks
5 and 5 come alive
6 and 4 hold open the door
7 and 3 visit for tea
8 and 2 are feeling blue
9 and 1 have just
10 and 0 are superheroes!!
Here are some websites to help with the children’s learning:
a favourite of mine! Click on level B or C and
then any of the number activities
how many
questions can you answer in 2 minutes?
on any of the timed activities to help with number bonds knowledge. select the number bonds activity and then make 10 or 20. How many can you get right before the clock runs out? make 10 select the number bonds activity and then make 10 or 20. How many can you get right before the clock runs out? make 10
20 - the dance will really make you giggle!
the beadstring to make patterns to 10 and 20
the pipes to make the number bonds to 10 make up your own number bond games make up your own number bond games
each question you get right, it colours in a part of the picture.
a great game for two
players. Choose 0 as the lowest number and 9 as the highest, it will create a
game to practice and reinforce those number bonds.
We are continuing
with our topic this week ‘Carnival of the Animals!’ We will be looking at an
Australian tradition tale called ‘The Kangaroo and the Porpoise’ and Dreamtime
tales which are from the Aboriginal culture. We will see how stories and art
have carried the culture to present day by the tales being passed down orally
to each generation. We will look at the English traditional tale – ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and adapt the
characters and the setting as if it were set in Australia. The children will
work in groups and act out and write their new versions of the story.
Our grammar focus
this week is proper nouns.
Ask your child which
traditional tales they know. Can they tell you the story?
Have a go at some
fun online literacy games at home.
Year 1/2 blog
second week of the new topic, ‘Carnival of the Animals”, starts with the
children learning about orchestras, the four main families of instruments and
the job of a conductor. We will be
listening to and describing the sounds different instruments make and
discussing how they make us feel.
week we will also study the work of Henri Rousseau – a famous French artist who,
despite painting many jungle pictures, never actually went to the rainforest!
children will learn to look at his artwork and identify key features that
denote the work to be that of Rousseau.
For example, his paintings had very clear outlines using simple colours
where jungle animals appeared in the foreground and lush green foliage in the
examples of his work the children will be drawing and painting their own
picture in the style of Rousseau.
fact – did you know that the word ‘orchestra’ derives from a Greek phrase
meaning ‘dancing place’ and that when the word ‘orchestra’ first appeared in
English it meant ‘the art of dancing’.
Come and
We are continuing our new topic
of “Special People.” We have looked at our friends and family and who is
special to us. We have asked the children to bring in photographs of people in
their family and friends who are special to them and talk about this in class.
The children will make a large
picture in outline of the inside of a church. In groups draw/paint all the
furnishings to put into the church, include the people at the door.
We will explain that at the
next session you will be speaking to people who help at Mass on Sunday, think
of some questions you would like to ask them.
We hope you have a great week!
The Key Stage 1 team.
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