Sunday, 4 January 2015

Weekly update 5th January 2015

Happy New Year!


Happy 2015! I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and that Santa brought you everything you wished for! Thank you to you all too, for the very generous gifts that you gave all the staff - they were all very much appreciated.

Having recharged our batteries, it is time to start the SPRING term with gusto. We will be stepping up the pace from now, as this is a very short term. We have a great deal to fit in, so here goes with what we have in store for the start to the new term...


A reminder that we will be out of school on Friday morning for our trip to the Pantomime at the Parr Hall. Please can all children be in school promptly as we will be leaving school promptly at 9:00am.

A letter will be coming home this week about an educational visit to the Bridgewater Hall for a concert watching  a performance by the Halle Orchestra. This will be to support the topic for this half term on The Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens. It will be a great opportunity for the children to watch a live orchestra and participate in one of the songs.


We will also be reviewing the numeracy assessments which the children did just before Christmas, in order to clarify any misunderstanding that occurred.


One way you could help at home, is with missing number activities. Many of the children found it challenging when we turned around some of the number sentences:


2 + 3 = ? was easy to calculate, but they found it hard to grasp 5 = 3 + ?


Try doing this type of activity at home with number cards are symbol cards and see how many correct number sentences your child can make.


This type of question comes up every year on every assessment all the way up to year 6, so if they are able to grasp the concept now, it will become easier when they use bigger numbers.


Click on the tens and units postbox to post the letters. Be careful, as you cannot post all the letters!


This will open up lots of things that we use in class, but for this week, you will need to click on the place value calculator. Although it says it is aimed at Key Stage 2, many of the children will be able to use the knowledge they have to calculate the answers.


Having used this before the holidays, we know how much the children enjoyed it!



This week we are looking at winter. We will be going outside and using our senses to find out what we can see, hear smell and feel. We will then fill in an acrostic poem using WINTER as the key word. We will then go on to look at shape poetry and write our own shape poems. After the snow and all the cold, frosty weather we had over the Christmas period the children should be full of ideas to write some excellent poems!


Ask your child what winter means to them. What can they feel, see, hear and smell on the way to school?


Have a go at some fun online literacy games.






This week we will be looking at weather.  We will be reading poetry about the months of the year and seasons as well as looking at weather forecasts and the symbols used on weather maps.

Our main focus will be on winter and throughout the week the children will record the weather on their weather charts using symbols and weather phrases to describe what is happening.

We will also find out why the weather changes in each season - the children will be asked to think about why they think this is before we discuss our ideas as a whole class.

Weather maps for each season will be created using the symbols and ‘phrases’ we have learnt.

Interesting fact – did you know that snow is not white:  Snow is actually clear and colorless.


Come and See

We will be starting a new topic called Special People.

Some activities we will be doing in school:-

·         Bring in photographs of special people in their families and talk about the pictures.

·         Bring in stories of people who help us.

·         Invite a special school person to talk about how they help in school.

·         Paint a picture of different people who help us and include some captions about each person.

·         Role-play some special people like doctors, priests, policemen and women, friends, grandmas, teachers etc.

·         Think of all the words which express the special things people offer us: e.g. care, time, love, friendship. Make a list of special people with the reasons why they are special and how they help us.


We hope you have a great week!

The Key Stage 1 team.


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