Saturday, 31 January 2015

Weekly update 2nd February 2015




On Wednesday we go to the Bridgewater Hall to watch the Halle orchestra perform. We will be leaving school at 9:00am prompt to be there for 10:00am. The children will need to wear school uniform.

No food or drink are allowed in the auditorium so the children will not need a snack on that day. We will be giving them a biscuit before they go in.

If you have returned the letter requesting a packed lunch to be provided by the school, your child will have that ready for them on their return. Otherwise we will have assumed that you are providing a packed lunch for your child as stated on the letter.

Letters went home last week about Parent/Teacher consultation evenings on the 10thand 11th of February. If you have not already done so please send completed forms back as soon as possible.

The weather has been very cold recently! We do try to get the children outside for playtimes whenever possible. Therefore please could you make sure that your child has suitable warm clothing for outdoor play- coat, hat, gloves and scarves.

Following on from the previous point, if you have any outgrown children’s socks, tights and underwear at home please could you send them in to school as spares. During the snow a lot of children ended up with wet feet and we only have very limited supplies in school so we could not give them spare socks or tights. Thanks.


This week in Maths we will be continuing to work on Subtraction. Year 1 children will begin to subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number, and subtract by counting back to a multiple of 10.


Year 2 children will subtract a multiple of 10 from a 2-digit number by counting back in 10s, and add and subtract 9, 11, 19 and 21 by adding and subtracting 10 and 20.


It is important that your child is confidently able to and subtract a multiple of 10 from a given number to achieve them in this objective and as always your support at home is valued.


Some websites to help with this are:-









 Please use these number bond websites to help with your child’s learning: a favourite of mine! Click on level B or C and then any of the number activities how many questions can you answer in 2 minutes? click on any of the timed activities to help with number bonds knowledge. select the number bonds activity and then make 10 or 20. How many can you get right before the clock runs out? make 10 make 20 - the dance will really make you giggle! move the beadstring to make patterns to 10 and 20 match the pipes to make the number bonds to 10 make up your own number bond games for each question you get right, it colours in a part of the picture! a great game for two players. Choose 0 as the lowest number and 9 as the highest, it will create a game to practice and reinforce those number bonds.



Our traditional tale this week is The Gingerbread Man. The children will be looking at how to write instructions and then will write instructions to make gingerbread men. All the children will then get to follow their instructions and make gingerbread men. The children will then design and decorate their own gingerbread men. We will be looking at the character description of the fox and write a wanted poster using lots of adjectives to try and find him. The children will also be sequencing the story and writing about it by the end of the week using their writing skills.    


Our grammar focus this week is proper adjectives.


Ask your child which traditional tales they know. Can they tell you the story?


Have a go at some fun online literacy games at home.






This week the children will be learning about what animals live in the sea.


With some fascinating videos to watch and fantastic photography to study the children will be taken to a whole new world of under water creatures!  We will be exploring the animals’ habitats, their survival skills, what they eat and how they move.

The children will be asked to come up with as many types of adjectives to describe the deep ocean and the types of animals that live there.


Interesting fact – did you know that an octopus has three hearts and that the colour of its blood is blue!  And did you know that jellyfish have been around for more than 650 million years, which means that they outdate both dinosaurs and sharks!


Come and See

We are continuing our new topic of “Special People.” We have looked at our friends and family and who is special to us. We have asked the children to bring in photographs of people in their family and friends who are special to them and talk about this in class.





The children will listen and talk about the beginning of Mass.


Draw a picture of the priest and add it to your display

Complete some sentences such as:

  i.  At the beginning of Mass we stand and ……

  ii. Then we make the…………………..

  iii. We are welcomed by …………………

Read the story of the Presentation:



In groups the children will re-enact the story, thinking about the meetings with Simeon and Anna.


Make ‘Feast of the Presentation’ celebration cards.


Imagine you are a reporter for the Jerusalem Times and you interview Mary and Joseph about the incident. The children will enjoy “hot seating” this activity. › Home › KS1 › Religious Studies › Christianity

The story of Simeon recognising Jesus as the saviour of the world.



We hope you have a great week!

The Key Stage 1 team.


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