Sunday 12 October 2014

Weekly update 13th October 2014


Just a reminder this week about ensuring that the children have a warm coat to wear for playtime as the weather forecast is not good for the week ahead.


This week in Maths we will be learning about subtraction.

The Year 1 children will say the number that is 1 less and count back 1 from a given number using a number line.

They will subtract a 1-digit number from a 'teens' number by counting back and begin to show this on a blank number line.

The Year 2 children will count back in 1s, not crossing a multiple of 10.  Count back in 1s, crossing a multiple of ten, beginning to partition and show this on a blank number line.


In English this week we are reading the story Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. This story will captivate the children’s imaginations and we will be writing about what we do when we feel wild and what we might look like if we were a wild thing in the story. We will be sequencing the order of the story using pictures and writing captions. Finally, we will be making masks and retelling the story using drama and role play. Our Grammar and punctuation focus this week is exclamation marks.

Ask your child what they dream about? How do they feel when they are dreaming?

Have a go at some fun online literacy games.


This week we will tell the story of the journey to the moon made in 1969 by Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins.

This is the video of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon:

We will be asking questions about this historic and famous journey.

·         How many astronauts were in Apollo 11?

·         How long did it take them to get to the moon?

·         Who was the first man on the moon?

·         What did he say?

The children will understand that the rocket had 3 main parts and what role each part played:

Saturn 5 to propel them into space.

Apollo 11 the main spacecraft to fly to and then orbit the moon.

The lunar excursion module Eagle, which took 2 of the astronauts down on to the moon.

Emphasise the historic importance of the moon landing.

The footprints made on the surface of the moon are still there now and will stay there for hundreds of years. Where do you make footprints? Do they stay there long? Why not? Wind, rain, etc.

Why do you think they stay in place on the moon? No air, no atmosphere, no weather – wind or rain.

Come and See


We will be exploring the many different experiences of being welcomed into new situations and groups.

We will be talking about the different groups that the children may belong to in school, at church and in the neighbourhood eg. Swimming, Rainbows, Beavers, choir.

We will exploring the following key questions.

·         What groups or clubs do you belong to? (Al children belong to school and their particular class)

·         What do you do in the group?

·         How does it feel to belong to the group?

·         What helps people feel they belong?

·         How would someone know you belonged to the group? (e.g. badges ,uniform, special skills)

·         How can we help a new child in our class feel they belong?


The children will design a class badge to show “belonging.”

The children can bring in any items from their clubs to show the class. E.g. badges, awards, uniform.


Thank you for your continued support- and have a great week!

The Key Stage 1 team.


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