Sunday 11 October 2015

Monday 12th October

Welcome to this week’s blog.


The children were given homework again and this is due in on Monday please so it can be marked ready to go back out.
Parents' evening
Slips will be returned this week. Please let us know if you don't receive one.
This week we will be continuing our new topic SIGNS AND SYMBOLS. We will be exploring the signs and symbols we see every day and will be listening to a story and recognising the signs and symbols in a story about a wedding.

Maths Year 2 Mrs Harding
Year 2 we will be also learning about right angles.

We will also be learning about the signs greater than and less than. The children will be comparing two and three digit numbers. They children will also be practising 10 more/ten less, one more/one less.

English Year 2 Mrs Harding
This week the children will be starting to work on non fiction texts and will be learning about its features. The children will be using a book about orang utans. The children will be learning about how to care for orangutans and written work will be related to this too.

Mrs Sheerin/Mrs Pinto

This week the children will be learning about the features of poetry. They will be going for an autumn walk around the school and using their senses to develop ideas to help them to write an autumn poem.

The children will be working on counting on in tens and will be introduced to the word multiplication. They will also be focusing on learning their odd and even numbers.

Engllsh Year 1

This week in English there will be again  a focus on reading and spelling high frequency and tricky words. Also we are focusing on sentence structure;orally planning a sentence before writing,  using capital letters and full stops and leaving a space in between words.

We will be using the theme of Autumn to explore poems and stories.

First 100 High Frequency Word.

the that not look put and with then don’t could a all were come house to we go will old said can little into too in are as back by he up no from day I had mum children made of my one him time it her them Mr I’m was what do get if you there me just help they out down now Mrs on this dad came called she have big oh here is went when about off for be it’s got asked at like see their saw his some looked people make but so very your an

Maths Year 1
In Maths this week we will be concentrating on our teen numbers and we will be learning to count in tens.


This week we will revisiting and reviewing graphemes or ur, ow, oi. We will be also be reviewing phonemes and digraphs. The children will be singing an alphabet song. The year two children will be moving onto phase five graphemes: AY/OU/IE/EA/AU/EU/PH/EW

The children will say, write it sound it with all the activities. They will write down words with the phonemes in and play games related to all the learning.

This week the children will learn more about balanced diets.  Firstly, we will talk about what things we should all do to keep fit and healthy.  Followed by what kinds of food we eat a lot of and what kind of foods we hardly eat at all and if they know what a balanced diet is.

Children will understand that the meaning of ‘diet’ is a description of what we eat, rather than losing weight.  The children will be introduced to the food pyramid as a guide to a healthy diet.

During the lesson children will have an opportunity to design a healthy and unhealthy lunch box with a ‘healthy food message’ on their lunch box lid.
We will also be creating a favourite fruit pictogram this week giving the children greater exposure to data handling and representing data using graphs.

Have a great week everyone

The 1 / 2 team.






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