Sunday 24 January 2016

Monday 25th January

Welcome to the blog.
Homework was sent out again last week. This week we will continue to learn the TEN times table. The children are getting used to being tested on their tables each week.

Please can you make sure that the children bring a coat and scarves and gloves in this colder weather. Thank you.

My Maths is on line too in Year 2

This week we will be continuing our topic on books. The children will be looking at a Bible and learning about how the Bible is organised. We will be learning about the Gospels and listening and reading to a Bible story about Jesus. We will watch a video clip of a Gospel reading. We will learn how special books are and the types of books we have at church. We will be learning that the Bible is the word of God. We will be thinking about Jesus being the light of the world.

Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds.

This week we are concentrating on ou and ea.

Maths Year 2

We will be finishing our work on multiplication and moving onto division. The children will learn what dividing means by groups and sets of objects. They will be dividing by repeated subtraction. They will be learning different vocabulary for division such as share, sets of, groups of,  sets of, divisible by etc.

We have started a weekly mental maths test. The children have 10 seconds to answer each question. They are trying very hard and we have been pleased with the effort the children are putting in.

Please keep practising the 2’s 5’s and 10 times tables. This week we will be testing the TEN TIMESTABLE.

Year 2 English

This week we will be learning about adding ful to make words such as beautiful, bashful, plentiful etc. We will also be reading Charlotte’s web. The children are loving the book and we are trying to read it every day. We will be doing some extended writing on the start of the book and what the farm looks like. We will be also be concentrating on time phrase this week in our writing and sentences.
For example:

Before, afterwards two days later, suddenly, at the last stroke of midnight, immediately….

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

Year 1 / 2

We will be continuing to focus on the skills based around grammar, nouns phases reading comprehension and extending the children’s writing. Our Grammar focus will be using connectives to extend sentences?

We will be talking about the steps to success.

Steps to success
1.   Read the sentence – which connective make sense?
2.   Re-read the sentence with the connective put in – does it make sense?
3.   Capital letters.
4.   Full stops.

We will also be learning about expanding noun phrases.
For example:
Build a sentence physically round the room.  Start off with a very simple subject-verb sentence
(e.g. The monster ran. Then identify the noun in the sentence and add an adjective on a mini whiteboard (The hairy monster ran.) then a complement phrase (The hairy monster ran out of the door.) From here, the children can make the sentence as elaborate as they like by adding clauses.

We will be looking at compound words. Can the children find the two words that make a compound word?
To rehearse the use of greater than and less than signs.

Review the signs.

Where does the crocodile’s mouse open to.

Draw picture to remind the children.

Can I use arrays to multiply?

This will be a new concept so the children might take some time to work on this.

By Friday can your child say what an array is?

We have started a weekly mental maths test. The children have 10 seconds to answer each question. They are trying very hard and we have been pleased with the effort the children are putting in.

Please keep practising the 2’s 5’s and 10 times tables.
Year 1
This week in English we are still focusing on verbs and will be adding ing onto them to create the present tense. We will also be continuing to read contracted words with an apostrophe, by searching for  them in our reading and library books. We will be improving our spelling of high frequency words by playing games and using improvement time to practice individual spellings. 

In Maths we will be counting in 10's and learning the 10 x table. We will also be learning the pairs of numbers off by heart, that make 5,6,7,8,and 9. Also we will be adding number by counting along a number line. We will also be reviewing the writing of the hands on a clock showing o'clock and half past times.

Every day materials
During Spring term 1 the children in year 1 and 2 will be learning about ‘Everyday Materials’.  This topic lends itself to a lot of work in science where children will learn about everyday materials including wood, plastic, metal, water and rock.

Children will learn to identify and name everyday materials and will have the opportunity to explore the properties of these materials. They will also carry out a simple investigation to help them decide which material would be most suitable to use for an umbrella.

 At the end of the topic children apply their knowledge of everyday materials to sort objects by their properties. A range of learning activities are used in this unit including, discussions, labelling and matching activities, games, and an investigation to encourage where children have the opportunity to ask and find the answers to questions.

This week the children will be learning how to identify what materials objects are made from; how to test materials to see how they behave and choose words to describe how they behave.

They will be introduced to new words such as: behave, test and record.

Have a great week everyone.
The 1 / 2 team

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