Sunday 15 May 2016

Monday 16th May

Welcome to a new week. Homework was sent out again last week and we need it back in on Monday so it can be marked and given back by Thursday. Year 2 have my Maths exercises too.

Year 2
Will be completing some practice sats tests too and we will be starting the real tests too this week  in arithmetic, maths reasoning and a comprehension paper.

Every Friday we have a spelling test on the words sent home for homework. Can you please make sure that the spellings are learnt as there are a few year two that are not learning them and they are the spellings that need learning as part of the Year 2 curriculum.
Photos from the last week:
Children doing movement and dance.

Maths work in 1 and 2.

Year 1 working out double 103!!

Year 1 making models of the owl and the pussy cat.

Year 2 learning about dolphins and writing letters to Greenpeace.

Year 1 and 2 making a rocket balloon.


We will be continuing with a new topic in RE called SPREAD THE WORD.
The children will be reviewing the story of Pentecost and learning about the gift of the Holy Spirit. The children will also be learning about the Ascension into heaven. We will be making up a litany of Good news and linking it to the theme of the Holy Spirit.
Maths Year 2
This week we will be reviewing topics that we have noticed the children need reinforcements with.
We will be reviewing:
Inverse operations
Multiplication and repeated addition
Multiplying by 10
Place value

We will be completing a mental maths test too.
We will be testing the children on their x 2, x 3  x5, x10 tables. Some children are completing tests with both multiplication and division on them too.

Please make sure that your child has instant recall of these timetables.

This week we will be basing all our work around fairy stories. We will be learning and retelling the story of Hansel Gretel. The children will be completing a story board and be practising writing sentences with noun phrases in too. The children will learn all about how fairy stories are written too.

The children will be completing a comprehension too using a practice sat.
We are busy testing the exception words all the time.

Year 1 and 2 will be continuing with phase five and learning phonemes with alternative sounds. Year 2 will be working through phase six.

The children are busy learning the Years 1 and 2 exception words all the time and these are being tested for reading and spelling constantly. We are playing a spell well game to learn them all too. Ask your child to explain the game spell well.

We will be using phase six phonics too while reviewing phase five phonemes all the time.

Year 1/2
We will be concentrating on number work again this week.  The children will be practising counting in 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's from any given number.  They will also be introduced to column addition and subtraction.  This involves carrying and exchanging tens which are difficult concepts for children to grasp so please encourage your children to practise at home.

The children will be tested on their 10 times tables.  Please make sure that your child has instant recall of these timetables.

Maths Year 1/2
This week we will focus on solving word problems using all four operations: addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.  It is important that your children know their number bonds to 10 and 20 to help them do this efficiently.

We will be completing a mental maths tests too.

The children will be tested on their 10 times tables.  Please make sure that your child has instant recall of these timetables.

English Year 1/2
In Grammar this week the children will be learning about prepositions.  Prepositions are linking words in a sentence. We use prepositions to explain where things are in time or space. Prepositions tell us where something is (for example, beside, under, on, against, beneath or over) or when something is happening (for example: until, during, after, before or more specifically 'on Christmas Day', 'at twelve o'clock' or 'in August').

Prepositions usually sit before nouns (or pronouns) to shows the noun's (or pronoun's) relationship to another word in the sentence.

We will read “Goodnight Space” by Michelle Robinson. Discuss the story and how it has been inspired by Tim Peake.

We will show a power point about Tim Peake and his adventures so far.
We will ask the children some key questions below:

·         When did Tim travel into space?

·         How old is Tim?

·         Which country did Tim travel into space from?

·         What jobs has Tim done before he became an astronaut?

·         What did Tim have to do for part of his training?

·         What jobs will he do in space?
We will be looking at the format of different letter writing and the key features of a letter.

In pair what qualities do they think would make them a good candidate to be an astronaut?
The children will apply in writing and explain why they wish to become an astronaut. They need to provide evidence that meets the required personal specifications.

Mrs Sarsfield
Year 1
This week we will be focusing on the correct spelling of high frequency words and year 1 common exception words. We will also be reviewing the use of ? and !

 We will also be making an information booklet about minibeasts after discovering some basic facts from the internet and reference books.

We will also be concentrating on revising all the phonemes in phonics and reading a variety of real and nonsense words.

This week we will continue solving real life word problems. We will also be developing our knowledge of 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 turns by planning and drawing a road way for a car. Also we will be developing our knowledge of fractions - 1/2 and 1/4 - of numbers and shapes.

 Have a good week,

The 1 / 2 team.

I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.


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