Friday 10 June 2016

Monday 13th June

Welcome back after a two week half term holiday. This term brings us to the final chapter of the year and it is very busy busy.

Friday 17 June Non uniform day for summer fayre tombola.
Friday 24 June sports day
Thursday 7 July transition day 1
Friday 8 July transition day 2
Thursday 7 July Key stage one disco
Thursday 14 July school trip
Friday 22 July Leaver’s Mass and end of term.

We hope the sun flowers have grown and feel free to bring them back to school to plant around the grounds. The children have enjoyed planting the seeds and also the bedding plants.
We hope to start going to the allotment this half term to plant flowers and vegetables.

Year one and two had a good time being taught ICT by year 5/6.

Phonics test
This week we will be reviewing lots of phonics because we have all of year one and a few year 2 sitting the test this week. It is an individual test when the children are tested on the reading of a mixture of real and unreal words.

Here are a few sites to practise some phonics.

Year 2
We will be starting our new topic RULES. We will be exploring that every day there are rules for different places such as home, school and the neighbourhood. We will be looking at what happens when rules are broken.

Maths Year 2
This week we will be reviewing topics that we have noticed the children need reinforcements with.

We will be reviewing:

We will be recognising coins, adding money and giving change. We have already covered this but we need to review it again because in the recent sat the children struggled with this sort of question.

We will be completing a mental maths test too.
We will be testing the children on their x 2, x 3  x5, x10 tables. Some children are completing tests with both multiplication and division on them too.
Please make sure that your child has instant recall of these timetables.
This week we will be basing all our work around instructions. The children will be learning all about different instructions for making toast, making a jam sandwich and making a cup of tea.

The steps to success will be:
Title – how to
Bossy verbs
List of things
Time phrases
Firstly, secondly, next, finally
Safety warning
Extra information and pictures.
We are busy testing the exception words all the time.

Year 1/2
In Grammar this week the children will be using all their knowledge on nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs to write silly sentences.

 We will also be looking at the format of different letter writing and the key features of a letter.

 We will read “Goodnight Space” by Michelle Robinson. Discuss the story and how it has been inspired by Tim Peake.
We will show a power point about Tim Peake and his adventures so far.
We will ask the children some key questions below:

·         When did Tim travel into space?
·         How old is Tim?
·         Which country did Tim travel into space from?
·         What jobs has Tim done before he became an astronaut?
·         What did Tim have to do for part of his training?
·         What jobs will he do in space?
We will be looking at the format of different letter writing and the key features of a letter.

In pair what qualities do they think would make them a good candidate to be an astronaut?

The children will apply in writing and explain why they wish to become an astronaut. They need to provide evidence that meets the required personal specifications.

This week in maths we will be revisiting inverse operations and how we can use these to check our answers.  The children will also recapping the value of digits unto 4 digit numbers and will then be using all their mathematical knowledge to solve various maths investigations.

The children will be tested on their 2 times tables. Please make sure that your child has instant recall of these times tables.

Mrs Sarsfield
Year 1

This week we will be reviewing lots of phonics work because of the year one phonics screening test. We are then reading the lighthouse keeper’s lunch and writing a diary.

This week we will be reviewing shape and moving onto measurement  and problem solving with odd and even numbers.

Have a good week.

The 1 / 2 team.

I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.
I can divide by
 grouping things.
I know what
 divide means.

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