Sunday 27 November 2016

Monday 28th November

Welcome to our blog.

Christmas Play
The children will be rehearsing on Monday and Monday afternoon we have a dress rehearsal.

The children will be performing on Tuesday and Wednesday morning and Thursday night. We hope you have received your tickets. The children have been practising hard and you are in for a real treat.

Operation Christmas child.
Please send in any shoeboxes by Tuesday. Thank you
There will be an own clothes day on Friday for the Christmas Fair, The children need to bring in chocolate this week.

The children received homework and have a sheet of spellings to learn. The year 2 were also given a poem to learn off by heart.

There will be a spelling test every week. They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book Year 2 have my Maths too on line.

RE Families
The children will be finishing lessons on BELONGING and moving on to a new topic WAITING.
The children will be thinking about things that we have to wait for and experiencing a stop watch and sand timers.

The children will be making  a list of words to do with waiting such as happiness, excitement, anticipation, worry, nerves etc.

The children will be drawing a picture of themselves waiting too.

A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield
This week we will continue learning about place value - making 2 digit numbers with tens and ones. We will also be telling the time, our aim is to know o'clock and half past. We will also be reviewing counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.

Year 1/2 Maths
Fractions Year 1
Can the children recognise, find and name one half as one of two equal parts and a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object shape or quantity. The children will be recognising and making fractions of shapes.

Year 2
Can the children recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 1/2, 3/4 of a shape, length, set of objects or a quantity?

We will be starting to look at 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 of a shape. Can the children find anything at home that they can halve or quarter?  Maybe a piece of bread, pizza or biscuit.

Year 2 English
This week we will be doing a lesson on winter poetry in between the Christmas play.
The children will be thinking about winter vocabulary.

The children will be analysing different poems and will continue to  write poems of their own such as:

Snow is……
Snow is cold, icy and hard as it flows from the icy, blue sky.
Snow is white, freezing and bleak as it falls from the white, soft sky.
Snow is gentle, light and hard as it flows from the bright, snowy sky.
Snow is a gentle hand floating down from the shimmering, white sky.
Snow is…

Year 2 Maths

 The children will be continuing with multiplication and division. The children will be mixing them up and answering questions again. Later on in the week we will be answering problems with multiplication and division in.

We will also be practising our timetables and completing a mental Maths test.

Best wishes
Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett



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