Sunday 6 November 2016

Monday 7th November

Welcome to our blog.
Play parts have been decided now and the remainder of parts will be all given out on Monday.

This week we will start practising the acting with Year 2 and the dances with Foundation stage and Year 1.

The children received homework and have a new sheet of spellings to learn.
Year 2 now have more My Maths homework.

There will be a spelling test every week.

There will be a Remembrance Mass at 9.15 on Friday morning.

Mrs Pinto Edward’s and Miss Birchall’s class performed a wonderful assembly on Families. Here are some of the pictures.

There is a disco on Thursday from 6.00 to 7.30. Please can you make sure you pick up your children promptly as it’s a long day for the children and of course the staff. Thank you.

RE Families
The children will be continuing with the topic BELONGING. They will be learning about Baptism and how this sacrament welcomes us into God’s family. The children will be listening to Bible stories about Jesus and learning how Jesus welcomes everyone.

A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield
This week we will be finding out when to use a question mark and to read question words such as -what, when, how. We will also be reading some Percy the Park Keeper stories and re-writing one of them in our own words using complete sentences with capital letters and full stops, finger spaces and aiming to combine information with the word and.

In Maths we will be focusing on subtraction and will be crossing out pictures, counting back along number lines and recording subtraction sums as well as solving real life problems by reasoning.

Year 1 and 2
This week we will be learning about Verbs. We will discuss what a verb is and Year 1 children will come up with examples of verbs and will use them in a sentence. Y2 children will recap what a verb is and try to change the ‘boring’ verbs into more exciting ones.

Y2 children will also be completing a reading comprehension based on bonfire night.
The children will be continuing their work from  the previous week on bonfire poetry.

This week Year 1 and 2 will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  Year 1 will become confident in naming and recognising triangles, squares, rectangles and circles in different orientations and contexts. Year 2 children will be focusing on 3D shapes and thinking about their properties.

Year 2 English
This week the children will be learning again how to use connectives in their independent writing to make sentences longer.

Also this week the children will complete a comprehension and practise their handwriting.

We will be learning about the story of the enormous crocodile and will be doing lots of talk for writing activities. Finally on Friday the children will be completing a warm task on this and writing the story.
Year 2 Maths
This week we will be continuing to learn about multiplication and division. The children will be recalling multiplication and division facts for the x2, x 5 and x 10 tables. We will be concentrating on division this week. We will be dividing by using objects to demonstrate what it means.
Every week we will be testing the children’s timetables and completing a mental Maths test too.

We are starting off learning the x 2 and x 5 timetables. The children will complete a 100 questions.

This week we will be learning all about remembrance day and the poppy. We will be finding out the background to why we celebrate Remembrance day. There will be a Mass on Friday too for remembrance day.

Best wishes
Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett

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