Sunday 12 March 2017

Monday 13th March

Welcome to our blog.

The children had a great time at the zoo and the weather was fantastic for us.


The children now have homework again and will have a set of new spellings to learn.

The Year 2 spellings this term are based on Year 2 National Curriculum spelling ending and the common exception words that the Year 2 must use in their independent writing.

We have also sent a year 2 Maths booklet and we would like three pages a week completed and please can we have this back on Mondays so the children and the teachers can mark it together.

There will be a spelling test every week. A few children have not been learning the spellings and this could really help them in their writing if they do.

They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book. Thank you for all your support.


The children need to read at home at least three times a week. The children need to be heard read even if they are a free reader please.

It really helps them if you can talk about the book and ask them why something is happening or how something is happening as well as about the story or information itself. We find that the children who read at home make more progress than those who do not.

The Year 2 have to read 90 words a minute with a familiar text.

Thank you for your support.


The children will be completing work on MEALS. They will be thinking about other special meals and the important meal of the Last Supper.


Please remember that the Year 1 have a phonics test in June and any Year 2 who didn’t achieve the expected level in Year 1 will resit in at the same time. The children have to read 32 words which include some alien words that are made up.


A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield


This week we will be completing a reading comprehension and a variety of other reading and phonics activities. We will be focusing on spelling all the year 1 common exception words and some children will move onto the year 2 words too. We will be learning about adding s and es onto nouns when there is more than one eg bushes, boys. We will also be improving our writing skills , focusing on using joining words such as: but, and because.


This week we will be learning to use repeated addition to multiply two numbers and learning to recognize the multiplication sign. We will also be reviewing how to find a half and a  quarter of an even number. We will be reviewing the time - o'clock, half past, practically with clocks.

Year 1/2


We will start our week looking at different sentence types such as exclamation sentences, questions, commands and statements as Year 2 must be able to identify the different types in their KS1 SATs. Year 1 children will focus on writing questions.

In our writing this week, we will be looking at narrative! We will be looking at the story of the cheeky orangutans that escaped from their enclosure at Chester Zoo last year, as inspiration for our writing. We will then go on to write a story about how the orangutan escaped and imagining what adventures he got up to!

We will also complete a reading comprehension and guided reading activities.


This week in maths we will be working on multiplication and division. We will be learning our 2s, 5s and 10 times tables in a range of different ways, e.g. songs, chanting them, counting. We will be looking at how multiplication can be done in any order, but division cannot.

Year 1 children will also revise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Year 2 English

This week we will be learning all about sharks. We will be finding out about sharks and recording information about them. At the end of the week the children will be writing a report about sharks.

The children may also be writing a story about a shark’s adventure too.

We will be reviewing verbs, nouns and adverbs. The children will be practising using them in their sentences.

The children will be doing guided reading and a comprehension too.

Year 2 Maths

This week we will be practising subtracting with exchanging a ten. The children will be learning that multiplication and addition can be done either way round but division and subtraction cannot. The children will be choosing signs in equations such as equals, greater than/less than.

The children will be practising lots of topics that they got wrong in their recent SAT paper that we practised.


This week in our topic lesson, we will be looking at how babies and animals change as they grow older and we will also be looking at what animals and humans need to survive. We will be imagining that we are stuck on a desert island and we will be thinking about the things that we would want and the things that we would need in order to survive.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Lockett

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