Sunday 5 March 2017

Monday 6th March

Welcome to our blog.

This week we have the book fair and it is on after school each day. The children had a quick look around on Friday afternoon.

The children had a great time on World book day.

Zoo Trip

Please remember that we will be out all day and we have sent out letters with all the details on. The children will need to order a packed lunch or bring one of their own. The weather appears to be unsettled so as well as their uniform the children will need a waterproof coat. Thank you.


The children will receive homework again and will have a set of new spellings to learn on Thursday.

The Year 2 spellings this term are based on Year 2 National Curriculum spelling ending and the common exception words that the Year 2 must use in their independent writing.

There will be a spelling test every week. A few children have not been learning the spellings and this could really help them in their writing if they do.

They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book.


The children need to read at home at least three times a week. The children need to be heard read even if they are a free reader. It really helps them if you can talk about the book and ask them why something is happening or how something is happening as well as about the story or information itself. We find that the children who read at home make more progress than those who do not.

The Year 2 have to read 90 words a minute with a familiar text.

Thank you for your support.


The children will be starting  a new topic MEALS. The children will be thinking about different types of meals and special meals. They will be thinking about where and when special meals take place.


A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield


This week we will be completing a reading comprehension along with other reading activities. We will also be writing a diary about our the zoo and researching and writing facts about animals.


This week we will be consolidating addition and subtraction facts. This will start with doubles, pairs to 10 and near pairs to 10 and adding 2 and 3 digits in a variety of ways. We will also use pairs to 10 to add multiples of 10 to 100. Eg 2 + 8 = 10, so 20 + 80 =  100.

Year 1/2


This week in maths Year 2 children will be looking at how to solve missing number calculations such as 63 - ___ = 27 and how we can use addition (or the inverse) to help us work out the answers. Year 1 children will also be completing missing number calculations, using their number bonds to 10 and 20 knowledge.

We will also be going over the SATs paper that the Year 2s completed last week and looking at the questions carefully, working them out as a class.


We will be looking at Command and Exclamation sentences this week in our grammar lesson. We will also be completing guided reading and phonics activities.

After Tuesday, we will also be writing a diary entry about our trip to the zoo. Later in the week we will be editing our piece of writing and then redrafting to ensure that we include things like noun phrases and time connectives such as first, next.

Year 2 English

We will be looking at Command and Exclamation sentences this week in our grammar lesson. We will also be completing guided reading and phonics activities.

After Tuesday, we will also be writing a diary entry about our trip to the zoo. Later in the week we will be editing our piece of writing and then redrafting to ensure that we include things like noun phrases and time connectives such as first, next.

The children will be going over the sats too and teaching will target anything that the children could not do.

Year 2 Maths

This week we will be learning about telling the time again.

We will be reviewing telling the time.

Year 2 need to tell the time to the nearest five minutes.

We did plan to do this last week but did the 2016 sats instead in Reading, Maths and grammar.

The children need to know time facts off by heart such as 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day etc.

The children will be completing a timetables test and mental maths test too.

The children will be going over the sats too and teaching will target anything that the children could not do.


In our topic lessons this week, we will be looking at how our bodies are different to animal bodies. Animals have tails, paws and beaks, which humans don’t have. We will also be looking at animal babies and Year 2 children will be writing about the life cycle of a frog.

We will be visiting the zoo and looking closely at how the animals look and how they are different from us.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Lockett

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