Sunday 7 May 2017

Monday 8th May

Welcome to our blog.

We hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather. Long may it last!


We are continuing with  HOLIDAYS AND HOLY DAYS.

We will be finishing off and will be thinking about the Pentecost. The children will be learning about the Holy Spirit and its special gifts. The children will be making a flame and writing about the Holy Spirit. The children will write a prayer asking the Holy Spirit for guidance.


The children had some more special homework to complete over weekend.  Please can you make sure this is sent back in this week. Thanks.


Please remember that the Year 1 have a phonics test in June and any Year 2 who didn’t achieve the expected level in Year 1 will resit in at the same time. The children have to read 32 words which include some alien words that are made up.


A few helpful sites.

and 10's and will be beginning to count in 3's.

Year 1


This week we will be completing reading and phonics activities and continue focusing on the use of ! We will also be using the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' to inspire a variety of writing and comprehension activities. We will be aiming to improve our story writing by focusing on only using the word 'and' once within a sentence as a joining word, but to use .But   .Then   .After that   .Also  .Finally.....


This week we will continue to develop adding and taking away 10 and 20 from a 2 digit number. We will also be multiplying 2 numbers and dividing multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10. Also we will be completing some measurement activities linked with' Jack and the Beanstalk'.

Year 1/2


This week in our English lessons, we will be focusing on aspects that we are missing out/not using correctly in our writing. This includes things like: full stops and capital letters and contractions (can’t, don’t etc.). We will also be doing some handwriting practise and looking at suffixes. Y2 will be focusing on -ment, -ful, -ness, -ly and writing a recipe for friendship using words with these suffixes.

E.g. You will need: A spoonful of kindness, a handful of enjoyment.

We will also be doing lots of phonics activities and reading, in preparation for the phonics screening check.

The new Y1 spelling lists will be given out next week for this half term and the dates that these will be tested will be clearly marked on the lists. Y2 children already have their spelling lists and will be tested on week 1 on Friday (12.5.17).


This week, we will be looking at our areas for development and going over things that we are not yet secure on. This will include division, missing number calculations and using the inverse to find the missing number, symmetry and shapes.

Year 2


The children will be concentrating on elements needed for their writing.

The children will practise writing contractions.

The children will be using but, because, if, that, when, so.

The children will be using the suffixes ment, ful and ly in their writing.


We will be learning and reviewing some of the things we need to show evidence in our Maths books.

The children will be dividing with and without remainders.

The children will be reviewing 2D and 3 D shape.

The children will be solving problems with the four rules of addition and subtraction etc


In our science lessons this week, we will be planting our sunflowers in the school grounds! They are growing very tall and will look very pretty in our school! We will be thinking about what a seed needs to grow and setting up an experiment with beans to investigate this.

We will be finding out about the life cycle of a frog and a caterpillar.


This half term, we will be looking at Florence Nightingale and how she was significant. We will be looking in to who she was, what she did and how she changed hospitals for the better.


We have been looking at the countries and capital cities of the UK. This week we will be focusing on Wales. We will be looking at the flag, location, the capital city and Welsh traditions.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Lockett

Mrs Pinto Edwards

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