Monday 1 May 2017

Tuesday 1st May

Welcome to our blog.

We hope you enjoyed the long bank holiday weekend and I am glad the weather was kinder to us than the last.


We have started a new topic on HOLIDAYS AND HOLY DAYS. We will be thinking about the word holiday sounding like the word holy day. We have just celebrated Easter and we will be thinking about the word ALLELUIA that we use to celebrate. We will also be remembering the story of Jesus going back into Heaven to be with His Father.


The children had some more special homework to complete over weekend.  Please can you make sure this is sent back in this week. Thanks.


Please remember that the Year 1 have a phonics test in June and any Year 2 who didn’t achieve the expected level in Year 1 will resit in at the same time. The children have to read 32 words which include some alien words that are made up.


A few helpful sites.

and 10's and will be beginning to count in 3's.

Year 1


This week we will be completing a comprehension about the weather. We will also be focusing on phonics and grammar - using an exclamation mark, reviewing the writing of capital letters. We will also be reviewing adding un to words as a prefix. Reading activities will also continue using words suitable for year 1.


This week we will be reviewing subtraction by counting back and using pairs to 10, 20 and doubles. We will also be using in multiples of 10 - adding, taking away, doubling and linking these with our knowledge of handling digits. We will be reviewing counting backwards from 100 and 2D and 3D shapes.

Year 1/2



This week in our maths lessons, we will be looking at place value and estimation. We will start the week by placing missing numbers on a number line and looking at the value of the figures in a two digit number e.g. 73 = 7 tens and 3 ones (units). We will then move on to estimating. Year 1 children will be estimating numbers of objects and Year 2 children will be estimating the answers to calculations. This will help them check that their answers are ‘sensible’ when completing the SATs tests.


At the beginning of the week, we will be finishing off our work on pirates. Last week, children enjoyed researching about pirates and creating non-chronological reports. This week we will be writing a pirate character description and a pirate adventure story!  Later in the week, we will spend a few days creating animal riddles, using the different sentence types e.g.

What a long neck I have!

I am a large mammal with four legs.

Take good care of me

Can you guess what I am?

Year 2


The children will be having a writing week and will have lots of opportunities to write using familiar and traditional tales. We will be using Jack and the beanstalk, the hungry caterpillar and an adventure from Barnaby bear going to London!

The children will be writing independently.


We will be learning and reviewing some of the things that the children got wrong in their sats tests the other  week.

The children will be practising multiplying using repeated addition, partitioning numbers and finding out about right angles.


In our geography lesson, we will be looking at England and our capital city. We will look at famous landmarks such as Big Ben and the London Eye. We will watch a video about Barnaby Bear and his visit to London and we will write a diary entry, from Barnaby’s point of view.


We will be learning more about plants and finding out about the function of a stem. The children will be looking at how water and nutrients move up then stem of a flower.


The children will be observational drawing different flower heads and using pastel to colour them.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Miss Birchall

Mrs Lockett

Mrs Pinto Edwards

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