Sunday 22 January 2017

Monday 23rd of January

Welcome to our blog.


The children received homework again and have a set of spellings to learn.

There will be a spelling test every week. They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book.

Pictures from last week Year two working with Year 5 finding out about bees. Football training and Savanna artwork.


The children will be continuing with the  topic called SPECIAL PEOPLE. The children will be thinking about what happens at Mass, the people who work in the parish and what the inside of a church looks like.


A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield
This week we will be learning how to read and write verbs with ing on the end. We will also be breaking the story of Cinderella into a beginning, middle and end and re-writing the story to include some elements of all 3 parts. We will be editing our own work to check it makes sense and has spaces in between words. We will also be completing reading and phonics activities as well as handwriting.

This week we will be continuing with some money and shopping activities as well as continuing to  learn to recognize all the coins. We will then be using pairs to 10 to help learn the pairs to 20 off by heart. For example 3 + 7 = 10, so 13 + 7 = 20, or 3 + 17 = 20.

Year 1/2 English

This week in our maths lessons, we will be learning to tell the time. Y1 will be focusing on o’clock and half past. Y2 will be revising o’clock and half past, before moving on to quarter past and quarter to. It would be helpful if you could revise the analogue clock with them and discuss typical times for things such as breakfast, tea time and bedtime. You could discuss the basic features of a clock such as the hour hand and the minute hand and how they move around in a clockwise direction.

This week we will be looking at Cinderella. We will start the week by listening to the story of Cinderella, completing a Cinderella themed comprehension activity and sequencing the story in groups. We will be retelling the story in our own words and looking closely at the characters. We will be looking at the prefix ‘-un’ to come up with words to describe the characters such as ‘unhappy’, ‘untidy’, ‘unfair’ and revising expanded noun phrases.

Year 2 English
This week we need to review past and present tense again the children really struggled with it so we are visiting it again.

This week we will be REPORT writing on DINOSAURS. The children really enjoyed writing about bees last week. The children will be learning all about dinosaurs this week and writing a report at the end of the week. The children will also be doing a comprehension.


This week we will reviewing addition. We will be adding using columns, adding numbers to make a hundred and practising adding 9 to numbers too.

The children will be completing a mental maths test and a timetables test too.


We are still exploring our topic of ‘The Carnival of Animals’ through music and art. Last week we had a great time creating pictures based on the African Savannah. We used oil pastels on a painted background to draw elephants, lions, rhinos and giraffes. Just some of the animals from the music we have listened to!

This week we will be looking at the section based on kangaroos. We will be looking at Australian animals and creating aboriginal finger dot paintings of these animals. 
Best wishes

Mrs Harding
Mrs Sarsfield
Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall

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