Sunday 29 January 2017

Monday 30th January

Welcome to our blog.


The children received homework again and have a set of spellings to learn.

There will be a spelling test every week. They have got a comprehension to do every week too as well as sentences or writing target depending on what they have been told in their homework book. Year 2 have my maths on line too and the passwords were sent out again last week.


The children will be continuing with the  topic called SPECIAL PEOPLE. The children will thinking about the qualities that special people have. The children will be writing a prayer about special people. Next Tuesday we are going up to church in the afternoon to have a look at the inside of a church. Please return letters with permission slip and if you are available to walk up with us. Thank you.


A few helpful sites.

Mrs Sarsfield


This week we will be complete a reading comprehension and other reading activities including phonics. We will also focus on adding the ending ed onto verbs and review adding ing. We will also be reading Goldilocks and will be writing a letter to Goldilocks using capital letters, full stops and connecting words such as : and, but, so that.


In Maths we will continue focusing on pairs to 10 and 20 and using these to work out change from 10p and 20p. We will also be moving onto fractions of shapes - 1/2 and 1/4 starting with making pictures and cutting up shapes.

Year 1/2


This week we will be looking at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We will start the week by reading the story and acting it out. We will be stepping into the role of the different characters and ‘hot-seating’ them to help us think about how the characters may be feeling. Towards the end of the week, we will be planning and writing an apology letter from Goldilocks to the Three Bears.

This week we will also be completing a reading comprehension based on Goldilocks and looking at compound words which will help us with our reading and spelling.


We will be looking at money this week. Children will be learning to recognise the different coins and their values and start to add them up to make different amounts.

We will also be thinking about different ways of making certain amounts for example, we can make £1 with 100 1ps, 10 10ps, 2 50ps etc.

Y2 children will be extended to looking at notes and values above £2.

Year 2 English

This week we will be writing silly sentences concentrating on connectives. This week we will be REPORT writing on elephants.The children really enjoyed writing about dinosaurs last week. The children will be learning all about elephants this week and writing a report at the end of the week. The children will also be doing a comprehension and practising their handwriting.


This week we will reviewing addition still. We will be adding using columns again, partitioning numbers, writing numbers in words and ordering numbers up to 500. The children will be completing a mental maths test and a timetables test too.


We are still exploring our topic of ‘The Carnival of Animals’ through music and art. This week we will be finding out about animals that live in the sea.

Best wishes

Mrs Harding

Mrs Sarsfield

Mrs Pinto Edwards
Miss Birchall
Mrs Lockett

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